

1 第三天,大衛和跟隨他的人到了洗革拉,亞瑪力人已經侵犯[invaded]南地,攻破洗革拉,用火焚燒;

2 擄了城內的婦女和其中的大小人口,卻沒有殺一個,都帶著走了。

3 大衛和跟隨他的人到了那城,不料,城已燒燬,他們的妻子兒女都被擄去了。

4 大衛和跟隨他的人就放聲大哭,直哭得沒有氣力。

5 大衛的兩個妻─耶斯列人亞希暖和作過拿八妻的迦密人亞比該,也被擄去了。

6 大衛甚是焦急,因眾人為自己的兒女苦惱,說:「要用石頭打死他。」大衛卻倚靠耶和華─他的神,心裏堅固。

7 大衛對亞希米勒的兒子祭司亞比亞他說:「請你將以弗得拿過來。」亞比亞他就將以弗得拿到大衛面前。

8 大衛求問耶和華說:「我追趕敵軍,追得上追不上呢?」耶和華說:「你可以追,必追得上,都救得回來。」

9 於是,大衛和跟隨他的六百人來到比梭溪;有不能前去的就留在那裏。

10 大衛卻帶著四百人往前追趕,有二百人疲乏,不能過比梭溪,所以留在那裏。

11 這四百人在田野遇見一個埃及人,就帶他到大衛面前,給他餅吃,給他水喝,

12 又給他一塊無花果餅,兩個葡萄餅。他吃了,靈就[spirit]復原。因為他三日三夜沒有吃餅,沒有喝水。

13 大衛問他說:「你是屬誰的?你是哪裏的人?」他回答說:「我是埃及的少年人,是亞瑪力人的僕人[servant];因我三日前患病,我主人就把我撇下[left]了。

14 我們侵犯[invasion]了基利提的南方和屬猶大的地,並迦勒地的南方,又用火燒了洗革拉。」

15 大衛問他說:「你肯領我們到敵軍那裏不肯?」他回答說:「你要向我指著神起誓,不殺我,也不將我交在我主人手裏,我就領你下到敵軍那裏。」

16 那人領大衛下去,見他們散在地上,吃喝跳舞,因為從非利士地和猶大地所擄來的財物甚多。

17 大衛從黎明直到次日晚上,擊殺他們,除了四百騎駱駝的少年人之外,沒有一個逃脫的。

18 亞瑪力人所擄去的財物,大衛全都奪回,並救回他的兩個妻來。

19 凡亞瑪力人所擄去的,無論大小、兒女、財物,大衛都奪回來,沒有失落一個。

20 大衛所奪來的牛群羊群,跟隨他的人趕在原有的群畜前邊,說:「這是大衛的掠物。」

21 大衛到了那疲乏不能跟隨、留在比梭溪的二百人那裏。他們出來迎接大衛並跟隨的人。大衛前來問他們安。

22 跟隨大衛人中的惡人和彼列之子[men of Belial]說:「這些人既然沒有和我們同去,我們所奪的財物就不分給他們,只將他們各人的妻子兒女給他們,使他們帶去就是了。」

23 大衛說:「弟兄們,耶和華所賜給我們的,不可不分給他們;因為他保佑我們,將那攻擊我們的敵軍交在我們手裏。

24 這事誰肯依從你們呢?上陣的得多少,看守器具的也得多少;應當大家平分。」

25 大衛定此為以色列的律例典章,從那日直到今日。

26 大衛到了洗革拉,從掠物中取些送給他朋友猶大的長老,說:「看哪[Behold],這是從耶和華仇敵那裏奪來的,送你們為禮物。」

27 他送禮物給住伯.特利的,南地拉末的,雅提珥的;

28 住亞羅珥的,息末的,以實提莫的;

29 住拉哈勒的,耶拉篾各城的,基尼各城的;

30 住何珥瑪的,歌拉珊的,亞撻的;

31 住希伯崙的,並大衛和跟隨他的人素來所到之處的人。

1 Samuel

Chapter 30

1 And it came to pass,1961 when David1732 and his men376 were come935 to Ziklag6860 on the third7992 day,3117 that the Amalekites6003 had invaded6584 413 the south,5045 and Ziklag,6860 and smitten5221 853 Ziklag,6860 and burned8313 it with fire;784

2 And had taken the women captives,7617 853 802 that834 were therein: they slew4191 not3808 any,376 either5704 great1419 or small,4480 6996 but carried them away,5090 and went1980 on their way.1870

3 So David1732 and his men376 came935 to413 the city,5892 and, behold,2009 it was burned8313 with fire;784 and their wives,802 and their sons,1121 and their daughters,1323 were taken captives.7617

4 Then David1732 and the people5971 that834 were with854 him lifted up5375 853 their voice6963 and wept,1058 until5704 834 they had no more369 power3581 to weep.1058

5 And David's1732 two8147 wives802 were taken captives,7617 Ahinoam293 the Jezreelitess,3159 and Abigail26 the wife802 of Nabal5037 the Carmelite.3761

6 And David1732 was greatly3966 distressed;3334 for3588 the people5971 spoke559 of stoning5619 him, because3588 the soul5315 of all3605 the people5971 was grieved,4843 every man376 for5921 his sons1121 and for5921 his daughters:1323 but David1732 encouraged himself2388 in the LORD3068 his God.430

7 And David1732 said559 to413 Abiathar54 the priest,3548 Ahimelech's288 son,1121 I pray thee,4994 bring me hither5066 the ephod.646 And Abiathar54 brought5066 thither853 the ephod646 to413 David.1732

8 And David1732 inquired7592 at the LORD,3068 saying,559 Shall I pursue7291 after310 this2088 troop?1416 shall I overtake5381 them? And he answered559 him, Pursue:7291 for3588 thou shalt surely overtake5381 5381 them, and without fail recover5337 5337 all.

9 So David1732 went,1980 he1931 and the six8337 hundred3967 men376 that834 were with854 him, and came935 to5704 the brook5158 Besor,1308 where those that were left behind3498 stayed.5975

10 But David1732 pursued,7291 he1931 and four702 hundred3967 men:376 for two hundred3967 376 abode behind,5975 which834 were so faint6296 that they could not go over4480 5674 853 the brook5158 Besor.1308

11 And they found4672 an Egyptian376 4713 in the field,7704 and brought3947 him to413 David,1732 and gave5414 him bread,3899 and he did eat;398 and they made him drink8248 water;4325

12 And they gave5414 him a piece6400 of a cake of figs,1690 and two8147 clusters of raisins:6778 and when he had eaten,398 his spirit7307 came again7725 to413 him: for3588 he had eaten398 no3808 bread,3899 nor3808 drunk8354 any water,4325 three7969 days3117 and three7969 nights.3915

13 And David1732 said559 unto him, To whom4310 belongest thou?859 and whence335 4480 2088 art thou?859 And he said,559 I595 am a young man5288 of Egypt,4713 servant5650 to an Amalekite;376 6003 and my master113 left5800 me, because3588 three7969 days3117 ago I fell sick.2470

14 We587 made an invasion6584 upon the south5045 of the Cherethites,3774 and upon5921 the coast which834 belongeth to Judah,3063 and upon5921 the south5045 of Caleb;3612 and we burned8313 Ziklag6860 with fire.784

15 And David1732 said559 to413 him, Canst thou bring me down3381 to413 this2088 company?1416 And he said,559 Swear7650 unto me by God,430 that thou wilt neither518 kill4191 me, nor518 deliver5462 me into the hands3027 of my master,113 and I will bring thee down3381 to413 this2088 company.1416

16 And when he had brought him down,3381 behold,2009 they were spread abroad5203 upon5921 6440 all3605 the earth,776 eating398 and drinking,8354 and dancing,2287 because of all3605 the great1419 spoil7998 that834 they had taken3947 out of the land4480 776 of the Philistines,6430 and out of the land4480 776 of Judah.3063

17 And David1732 smote5221 them from the twilight4480 5399 even unto5704 the evening6153 of the next day:4283 and there escaped4422 not3808 a man376 of them, save3588 518 four702 hundred3967 young5288 men,376 which834 rode7392 upon5921 camels,1581 and fled.5127

18 And David1732 recovered5337 853 all3605 that834 the Amalekites6002 had carried away:3947 and David1732 rescued5337 his two8147 wives.802

19 And there was nothing3808 lacking5737 to them, neither4480 small6996 nor5704 great,1419 neither5704 sons1121 nor daughters,1323 neither spoil,4480 7998 nor5704 any3605 thing that834 they had taken3947 to them: David1732 recovered7725 all.3605

20 And David1732 took3947 853 all3605 the flocks6629 and the herds,1241 which they drove5090 before6440 those1931 other cattle,4735 and said,559 This2088 is David's1732 spoil.7998

21 And David1732 came935 to413 the two hundred3967 men,376 which834 were so faint6296 that they could not follow1980 310 David,1732 whom they had made also to abide3427 at the brook5158 Besor:1308 and they went forth3318 to meet7125 David,1732 and to meet7125 the people5971 that834 were with854 him: and when David1732 came near5066 to853 the people,5971 he saluted7592 7965 them.

22 Then answered6030 all3605 the wicked7451 men376 and men of Belial,1100 of those4480 376 that834 went1980 with5973 David,1732 and said,559 Because3282 834 they went1980 not3808 with5973 us, we will not3808 give5414 them aught of the spoil4480 7998 that834 we have recovered,5337 save3588 518 to every man376 853 his wife802 and his children,1121 that they may lead them away,5090 and depart.1980

23 Then said559 David,1732 Ye shall not3808 do6213 so,3651 my brethren,251 with854 that which834 the LORD3068 hath given5414 us, who hath preserved8104 us, and delivered5414 853 the company1416 that came935 against5921 us into our hand.3027

24 For who4310 will hearken8085 unto you in this2088 matter?1697 but3588 as his part2506 is that goeth down3381 to the battle,4421 so shall his part2506 be that tarrieth3427 by5921 the stuff:3627 they shall part2505 alike.3162

25 And it was1961 so from that day4480 3117 1931 forward,4605 that he made7760 it a statute2706 and an ordinance4941 for Israel3478 unto5704 this2088 day.3117

26 And when David1732 came935 to413 Ziklag,6860 he sent7971 of the spoil4480 7998 unto the elders2205 of Judah,3063 even to his friends,7453 saying,559 Behold2009 a present1293 for you of the spoil4480 7998 of the enemies341 of the LORD;3068

27 To them which834 were in Bethel,1008 and to them which834 were in south5045 Ramoth,7418 and to them which834 were in Jattir,3492

28 And to them which834 were in Aroer,6177 and to them which834 were in Siphmoth,8224 and to them which834 were in Eshtemoa,851

29 And to them which834 were in Rachal,7403 and to them which834 were in the cities5892 of the Jerahmeelites,3397 and to them which834 were in the cities5892 of the Kenites,7017

30 And to them which834 were in Hormah,2767 and to them which834 were in Chor-ashan,3565 and to them which834 were in Athach,6269

31 And to them which834 were in Hebron,2275 and to all3605 the places4725 where834 8033 David1732 himself1931 and his men376 were wont to haunt.1980



1 Samuel

Chapter 30

1 第三天,大衛和跟隨他的人到了洗革拉,亞瑪力人已經侵犯[invaded]南地,攻破洗革拉,用火焚燒;

1 And it came to pass,1961 when David1732 and his men376 were come935 to Ziklag6860 on the third7992 day,3117 that the Amalekites6003 had invaded6584 413 the south,5045 and Ziklag,6860 and smitten5221 853 Ziklag,6860 and burned8313 it with fire;784

2 擄了城內的婦女和其中的大小人口,卻沒有殺一個,都帶著走了。

2 And had taken the women captives,7617 853 802 that834 were therein: they slew4191 not3808 any,376 either5704 great1419 or small,4480 6996 but carried them away,5090 and went1980 on their way.1870

3 大衛和跟隨他的人到了那城,不料,城已燒燬,他們的妻子兒女都被擄去了。

3 So David1732 and his men376 came935 to413 the city,5892 and, behold,2009 it was burned8313 with fire;784 and their wives,802 and their sons,1121 and their daughters,1323 were taken captives.7617

4 大衛和跟隨他的人就放聲大哭,直哭得沒有氣力。

4 Then David1732 and the people5971 that834 were with854 him lifted up5375 853 their voice6963 and wept,1058 until5704 834 they had no more369 power3581 to weep.1058

5 大衛的兩個妻─耶斯列人亞希暖和作過拿八妻的迦密人亞比該,也被擄去了。

5 And David's1732 two8147 wives802 were taken captives,7617 Ahinoam293 the Jezreelitess,3159 and Abigail26 the wife802 of Nabal5037 the Carmelite.3761

6 大衛甚是焦急,因眾人為自己的兒女苦惱,說:「要用石頭打死他。」大衛卻倚靠耶和華─他的神,心裏堅固。

6 And David1732 was greatly3966 distressed;3334 for3588 the people5971 spoke559 of stoning5619 him, because3588 the soul5315 of all3605 the people5971 was grieved,4843 every man376 for5921 his sons1121 and for5921 his daughters:1323 but David1732 encouraged himself2388 in the LORD3068 his God.430

7 大衛對亞希米勒的兒子祭司亞比亞他說:「請你將以弗得拿過來。」亞比亞他就將以弗得拿到大衛面前。

7 And David1732 said559 to413 Abiathar54 the priest,3548 Ahimelech's288 son,1121 I pray thee,4994 bring me hither5066 the ephod.646 And Abiathar54 brought5066 thither853 the ephod646 to413 David.1732

8 大衛求問耶和華說:「我追趕敵軍,追得上追不上呢?」耶和華說:「你可以追,必追得上,都救得回來。」

8 And David1732 inquired7592 at the LORD,3068 saying,559 Shall I pursue7291 after310 this2088 troop?1416 shall I overtake5381 them? And he answered559 him, Pursue:7291 for3588 thou shalt surely overtake5381 5381 them, and without fail recover5337 5337 all.

9 於是,大衛和跟隨他的六百人來到比梭溪;有不能前去的就留在那裏。

9 So David1732 went,1980 he1931 and the six8337 hundred3967 men376 that834 were with854 him, and came935 to5704 the brook5158 Besor,1308 where those that were left behind3498 stayed.5975

10 大衛卻帶著四百人往前追趕,有二百人疲乏,不能過比梭溪,所以留在那裏。

10 But David1732 pursued,7291 he1931 and four702 hundred3967 men:376 for two hundred3967 376 abode behind,5975 which834 were so faint6296 that they could not go over4480 5674 853 the brook5158 Besor.1308

11 這四百人在田野遇見一個埃及人,就帶他到大衛面前,給他餅吃,給他水喝,

11 And they found4672 an Egyptian376 4713 in the field,7704 and brought3947 him to413 David,1732 and gave5414 him bread,3899 and he did eat;398 and they made him drink8248 water;4325

12 又給他一塊無花果餅,兩個葡萄餅。他吃了,靈就[spirit]復原。因為他三日三夜沒有吃餅,沒有喝水。

12 And they gave5414 him a piece6400 of a cake of figs,1690 and two8147 clusters of raisins:6778 and when he had eaten,398 his spirit7307 came again7725 to413 him: for3588 he had eaten398 no3808 bread,3899 nor3808 drunk8354 any water,4325 three7969 days3117 and three7969 nights.3915

13 大衛問他說:「你是屬誰的?你是哪裏的人?」他回答說:「我是埃及的少年人,是亞瑪力人的僕人[servant];因我三日前患病,我主人就把我撇下[left]了。

13 And David1732 said559 unto him, To whom4310 belongest thou?859 and whence335 4480 2088 art thou?859 And he said,559 I595 am a young man5288 of Egypt,4713 servant5650 to an Amalekite;376 6003 and my master113 left5800 me, because3588 three7969 days3117 ago I fell sick.2470

14 我們侵犯[invasion]了基利提的南方和屬猶大的地,並迦勒地的南方,又用火燒了洗革拉。」

14 We587 made an invasion6584 upon the south5045 of the Cherethites,3774 and upon5921 the coast which834 belongeth to Judah,3063 and upon5921 the south5045 of Caleb;3612 and we burned8313 Ziklag6860 with fire.784

15 大衛問他說:「你肯領我們到敵軍那裏不肯?」他回答說:「你要向我指著神起誓,不殺我,也不將我交在我主人手裏,我就領你下到敵軍那裏。」

15 And David1732 said559 to413 him, Canst thou bring me down3381 to413 this2088 company?1416 And he said,559 Swear7650 unto me by God,430 that thou wilt neither518 kill4191 me, nor518 deliver5462 me into the hands3027 of my master,113 and I will bring thee down3381 to413 this2088 company.1416

16 那人領大衛下去,見他們散在地上,吃喝跳舞,因為從非利士地和猶大地所擄來的財物甚多。

16 And when he had brought him down,3381 behold,2009 they were spread abroad5203 upon5921 6440 all3605 the earth,776 eating398 and drinking,8354 and dancing,2287 because of all3605 the great1419 spoil7998 that834 they had taken3947 out of the land4480 776 of the Philistines,6430 and out of the land4480 776 of Judah.3063

17 大衛從黎明直到次日晚上,擊殺他們,除了四百騎駱駝的少年人之外,沒有一個逃脫的。

17 And David1732 smote5221 them from the twilight4480 5399 even unto5704 the evening6153 of the next day:4283 and there escaped4422 not3808 a man376 of them, save3588 518 four702 hundred3967 young5288 men,376 which834 rode7392 upon5921 camels,1581 and fled.5127

18 亞瑪力人所擄去的財物,大衛全都奪回,並救回他的兩個妻來。

18 And David1732 recovered5337 853 all3605 that834 the Amalekites6002 had carried away:3947 and David1732 rescued5337 his two8147 wives.802

19 凡亞瑪力人所擄去的,無論大小、兒女、財物,大衛都奪回來,沒有失落一個。

19 And there was nothing3808 lacking5737 to them, neither4480 small6996 nor5704 great,1419 neither5704 sons1121 nor daughters,1323 neither spoil,4480 7998 nor5704 any3605 thing that834 they had taken3947 to them: David1732 recovered7725 all.3605

20 大衛所奪來的牛群羊群,跟隨他的人趕在原有的群畜前邊,說:「這是大衛的掠物。」

20 And David1732 took3947 853 all3605 the flocks6629 and the herds,1241 which they drove5090 before6440 those1931 other cattle,4735 and said,559 This2088 is David's1732 spoil.7998

21 大衛到了那疲乏不能跟隨、留在比梭溪的二百人那裏。他們出來迎接大衛並跟隨的人。大衛前來問他們安。

21 And David1732 came935 to413 the two hundred3967 men,376 which834 were so faint6296 that they could not follow1980 310 David,1732 whom they had made also to abide3427 at the brook5158 Besor:1308 and they went forth3318 to meet7125 David,1732 and to meet7125 the people5971 that834 were with854 him: and when David1732 came near5066 to853 the people,5971 he saluted7592 7965 them.

22 跟隨大衛人中的惡人和彼列之子[men of Belial]說:「這些人既然沒有和我們同去,我們所奪的財物就不分給他們,只將他們各人的妻子兒女給他們,使他們帶去就是了。」

22 Then answered6030 all3605 the wicked7451 men376 and men of Belial,1100 of those4480 376 that834 went1980 with5973 David,1732 and said,559 Because3282 834 they went1980 not3808 with5973 us, we will not3808 give5414 them aught of the spoil4480 7998 that834 we have recovered,5337 save3588 518 to every man376 853 his wife802 and his children,1121 that they may lead them away,5090 and depart.1980

23 大衛說:「弟兄們,耶和華所賜給我們的,不可不分給他們;因為他保佑我們,將那攻擊我們的敵軍交在我們手裏。

23 Then said559 David,1732 Ye shall not3808 do6213 so,3651 my brethren,251 with854 that which834 the LORD3068 hath given5414 us, who hath preserved8104 us, and delivered5414 853 the company1416 that came935 against5921 us into our hand.3027

24 這事誰肯依從你們呢?上陣的得多少,看守器具的也得多少;應當大家平分。」

24 For who4310 will hearken8085 unto you in this2088 matter?1697 but3588 as his part2506 is that goeth down3381 to the battle,4421 so shall his part2506 be that tarrieth3427 by5921 the stuff:3627 they shall part2505 alike.3162

25 大衛定此為以色列的律例典章,從那日直到今日。

25 And it was1961 so from that day4480 3117 1931 forward,4605 that he made7760 it a statute2706 and an ordinance4941 for Israel3478 unto5704 this2088 day.3117

26 大衛到了洗革拉,從掠物中取些送給他朋友猶大的長老,說:「看哪[Behold],這是從耶和華仇敵那裏奪來的,送你們為禮物。」

26 And when David1732 came935 to413 Ziklag,6860 he sent7971 of the spoil4480 7998 unto the elders2205 of Judah,3063 even to his friends,7453 saying,559 Behold2009 a present1293 for you of the spoil4480 7998 of the enemies341 of the LORD;3068

27 他送禮物給住伯.特利的,南地拉末的,雅提珥的;

27 To them which834 were in Bethel,1008 and to them which834 were in south5045 Ramoth,7418 and to them which834 were in Jattir,3492

28 住亞羅珥的,息末的,以實提莫的;

28 And to them which834 were in Aroer,6177 and to them which834 were in Siphmoth,8224 and to them which834 were in Eshtemoa,851

29 住拉哈勒的,耶拉篾各城的,基尼各城的;

29 And to them which834 were in Rachal,7403 and to them which834 were in the cities5892 of the Jerahmeelites,3397 and to them which834 were in the cities5892 of the Kenites,7017

30 住何珥瑪的,歌拉珊的,亞撻的;

30 And to them which834 were in Hormah,2767 and to them which834 were in Chor-ashan,3565 and to them which834 were in Athach,6269

31 住希伯崙的,並大衛和跟隨他的人素來所到之處的人。

31 And to them which834 were in Hebron,2275 and to all3605 the places4725 where834 8033 David1732 himself1931 and his men376 were wont to haunt.1980