

1 神賜福給挪亞和他的兒子,對他們說:「你們要生養眾多,遍滿了地。

2 凡地上的走獸和空中的飛鳥都必驚恐,懼怕你們,連地上一切行走的[that moveth]並海裏一切的魚都交付你們的手。

3 凡活著的動物都可以作你們的食物。這一切我都賜給你們,如同菜蔬一樣。

4 唯獨肉帶著血,那就是牠的生命,你們不可吃。

5 流你們血、害你們命的,無論是獸是人,我必討他的罪,就是向各人的兄弟[brother]也是如此。

6 凡流人血的,他的血也必被人所流,因為神造人是照自己的形像造的。

7 你們要生養眾多,在地上昌盛繁茂。」

8 神曉諭挪亞和他的兒子說:


10 並與你們這裏的一切活的造物[creature]─就是飛鳥、牲畜、走獸,凡從方舟裏出來的活物─立約。

11 我與你們立約,凡有血肉的,不再被洪水剪滅[cut off],也不再有洪水毀壞地了。」

12 神說:「我與你們並你們這裏的各樣活的造物[creature]所立世世代代[generations]的永約是有記號的。

13 我把虹放在雲彩中,這就可作我與地立約的記號了。

14 我使雲彩蓋地的時候,必有虹現在雲彩中,

15 我便記念我與你們和各樣有血肉的,活的造物[living creature]所立的約,水就再不氾濫、毀壞一切有血肉的物了。

16 虹必現在雲彩中,我看見,就要記念[God]與地上各樣有血肉活的造物[living creature]所立的永約。」

17 神對挪亞說:「這就是我與地上一切有血肉之物立約的記號了。」

18 出方舟挪亞的兒子就是閃、含、雅弗。含是迦南的父親。

19 這是挪亞的三個兒子,他們的後裔分散在全地。

20 挪亞作起農夫來,栽了一個葡萄園。

21 他喝了園中的酒便醉了,在帳棚裏赤露著[uncovered]

22 迦南的父親含看見他父親赤身,就到外邊告訴他兩個弟兄。

23 於是閃和雅弗拿件衣服搭在肩上,倒退著進去,給他父親蓋上;他們背著臉就看不見父親的赤身。

24 挪亞醒了酒,知道小兒子向他所作的事,

25 就說:迦南當受咒詛,必給他弟兄作僕人[servants]僕人[servant]

26 又說:耶和華─閃的神是應當稱頌的。願迦南作閃的僕人[servant]

27 願神使雅弗擴張,使他住在閃的帳棚裏;又願迦南作他的僕人[servant]

28 洪水以後,挪亞又活了三百五十年。

29 挪亞共活了九百五十歲就死了。


Chapter 9

1 And God430 blessed1288 Noah5146 and his sons,1121 and said559 to them, Be fruitful,6509 and multiply,7235 and replenish4390 the earth.776

2 And the fear4172 of you and the dread2844 of you shall be on every3605 beast2416 of the earth,776 and on every3605 fowl5775 of the air,8064 on all3605 that moves7430 on the earth,127 and on all3605 the fishes1709 of the sea;3220 into your hand3027 are they delivered.5414

3 Every3605 moving7430 thing that lives2416 shall be meat402 for you; even as the green3418 herb6212 have I given5414 you all3605 things.

4 But flesh1320 with the life5315 thereof, which is the blood1818 thereof, shall you not eat.398

5 And surely389 your blood1818 of your lives5315 will I require;1875 at the hand3027 of every3605 beast2416 will I require1875 it, and at the hand3027 of man;120 at the hand3027 of every man's120 brother251 will I require1875 the life5315 of man.120

6 Whoever sheds8210 man's120 blood,1818 by man120 shall his blood1818 be shed:8210 for in the image6754 of God430 made6213 he man.120

7 And you, be you fruitful,6509 and multiply;7235 bring8317 forth8317 abundantly8317 in the earth,776 and multiply7235 therein.

8 And God430 spoke559 to Noah,5146 and to his sons1121 with him, saying,559

9 And I, behold,2005 I establish6965 my covenant1285 with you, and with your seed2233 after310 you;

10 And with every3605 living2416 creature5315 that is with you, of the fowl,5775 of the cattle,929 and of every3605 beast2416 of the earth776 with you; from all3605 that go3318 out of the ark,8392 to every3605 beast2416 of the earth.776

11 And I will establish6965 my covenant1285 with you, neither3808 shall all3605 flesh1320 be cut3772 off any5750 more5750 by the waters4325 of a flood;3999 neither3808 shall there any5750 more5750 be a flood3999 to destroy7843 the earth.776

12 And God430 said,559 This2063 is the token226 of the covenant1285 which834 I make5414 between996 me and you and every3605 living2416 creature5315 that is with you, for perpetual5769 generations:1755

13 I do set5414 my bow7198 in the cloud,6051 and it shall be for a token226 of a covenant1285 between996 me and the earth.776

14 And it shall come1961 to pass, when I bring6049 a cloud6051 over5921 the earth,776 that the bow7198 shall be seen7200 in the cloud:6051

15 And I will remember2142 my covenant,1285 which834 is between996 me and you and every3605 living2416 creature5315 of all3605 flesh;1320 and the waters4325 shall no3808 more5750 become1961 a flood3999 to destroy7843 all3605 flesh.1320

16 And the bow7198 shall be in the cloud;6051 and I will look7200 on it, that I may remember2142 the everlasting5769 covenant1285 between996 God430 and every3605 living2416 creature5315 of all3605 flesh1320 that is on the earth.776

17 And God430 said559 to Noah,5146 This is the token226 of the covenant,1285 which834 I have established6965 between996 me and all3605 flesh1320 that is on the earth.776

18 And the sons1121 of Noah,5146 that went3318 forth3318 of the ark,8392 were Shem,8035 and Ham,2526 and Japheth:3315 and Ham2526 is the father1 of Canaan.3667

19 These428 are the three7969 sons1121 of Noah:5146 and of them was the whole3605 earth776 covered.5310

20 And Noah5146 began2490 to be an farmer,376 127 and he planted5193 a vineyard:3754

21 And he drank8354 of the wine,3196 and was drunken;7943 and he was uncovered1540 within8432 his tent.168

22 And Ham,2526 the father1 of Canaan,3667 saw7200 the nakedness6172 of his father,1 and told5046 his two8147 brothers251 without.2351

23 And Shem8035 and Japheth3315 took3947 a garment,8071 and laid7760 it on both8147 their shoulders,7926 and went3212 backward,322 and covered3680 the nakedness6172 of their father;1 and their faces6440 were backward,322 and they saw7200 not their father's1 nakedness.6172

24 And Noah5146 awoke3364 from his wine,3196 and knew3045 what853 834 his younger6996 son1121 had done6213 to him.

25 And he said,559 Cursed779 be Canaan;3667 a servant5650 of servants5650 shall he be to his brothers.251

26 And he said,559 Blessed1288 be the LORD3068 God430 of Shem;8035 and Canaan3667 shall be his servant.5650

27 God430 shall enlarge6601 Japheth,3315 and he shall dwell7931 in the tents168 of Shem;8035 and Canaan3667 shall be his servant.5650

28 And Noah5146 lived2421 after310 the flood3999 three7969 hundred3967 and fifty2572 years.8141

29 And all3605 the days3117 of Noah5146 were nine8672 hundred3967 and fifty2572 years:8141 and he died.4191




Chapter 9

1 神賜福給挪亞和他的兒子,對他們說:「你們要生養眾多,遍滿了地。

1 And God430 blessed1288 Noah5146 and his sons,1121 and said559 to them, Be fruitful,6509 and multiply,7235 and replenish4390 the earth.776

2 凡地上的走獸和空中的飛鳥都必驚恐,懼怕你們,連地上一切行走的[that moveth]並海裏一切的魚都交付你們的手。

2 And the fear4172 of you and the dread2844 of you shall be on every3605 beast2416 of the earth,776 and on every3605 fowl5775 of the air,8064 on all3605 that moves7430 on the earth,127 and on all3605 the fishes1709 of the sea;3220 into your hand3027 are they delivered.5414

3 凡活著的動物都可以作你們的食物。這一切我都賜給你們,如同菜蔬一樣。

3 Every3605 moving7430 thing that lives2416 shall be meat402 for you; even as the green3418 herb6212 have I given5414 you all3605 things.

4 唯獨肉帶著血,那就是牠的生命,你們不可吃。

4 But flesh1320 with the life5315 thereof, which is the blood1818 thereof, shall you not eat.398

5 流你們血、害你們命的,無論是獸是人,我必討他的罪,就是向各人的兄弟[brother]也是如此。

5 And surely389 your blood1818 of your lives5315 will I require;1875 at the hand3027 of every3605 beast2416 will I require1875 it, and at the hand3027 of man;120 at the hand3027 of every man's120 brother251 will I require1875 the life5315 of man.120

6 凡流人血的,他的血也必被人所流,因為神造人是照自己的形像造的。

6 Whoever sheds8210 man's120 blood,1818 by man120 shall his blood1818 be shed:8210 for in the image6754 of God430 made6213 he man.120

7 你們要生養眾多,在地上昌盛繁茂。」

7 And you, be you fruitful,6509 and multiply;7235 bring8317 forth8317 abundantly8317 in the earth,776 and multiply7235 therein.

8 神曉諭挪亞和他的兒子說:

8 And God430 spoke559 to Noah,5146 and to his sons1121 with him, saying,559


9 And I, behold,2005 I establish6965 my covenant1285 with you, and with your seed2233 after310 you;

10 並與你們這裏的一切活的造物[creature]─就是飛鳥、牲畜、走獸,凡從方舟裏出來的活物─立約。

10 And with every3605 living2416 creature5315 that is with you, of the fowl,5775 of the cattle,929 and of every3605 beast2416 of the earth776 with you; from all3605 that go3318 out of the ark,8392 to every3605 beast2416 of the earth.776

11 我與你們立約,凡有血肉的,不再被洪水剪滅[cut off],也不再有洪水毀壞地了。」

11 And I will establish6965 my covenant1285 with you, neither3808 shall all3605 flesh1320 be cut3772 off any5750 more5750 by the waters4325 of a flood;3999 neither3808 shall there any5750 more5750 be a flood3999 to destroy7843 the earth.776

12 神說:「我與你們並你們這裏的各樣活的造物[creature]所立世世代代[generations]的永約是有記號的。

12 And God430 said,559 This2063 is the token226 of the covenant1285 which834 I make5414 between996 me and you and every3605 living2416 creature5315 that is with you, for perpetual5769 generations:1755

13 我把虹放在雲彩中,這就可作我與地立約的記號了。

13 I do set5414 my bow7198 in the cloud,6051 and it shall be for a token226 of a covenant1285 between996 me and the earth.776

14 我使雲彩蓋地的時候,必有虹現在雲彩中,

14 And it shall come1961 to pass, when I bring6049 a cloud6051 over5921 the earth,776 that the bow7198 shall be seen7200 in the cloud:6051

15 我便記念我與你們和各樣有血肉的,活的造物[living creature]所立的約,水就再不氾濫、毀壞一切有血肉的物了。

15 And I will remember2142 my covenant,1285 which834 is between996 me and you and every3605 living2416 creature5315 of all3605 flesh;1320 and the waters4325 shall no3808 more5750 become1961 a flood3999 to destroy7843 all3605 flesh.1320

16 虹必現在雲彩中,我看見,就要記念[God]與地上各樣有血肉活的造物[living creature]所立的永約。」

16 And the bow7198 shall be in the cloud;6051 and I will look7200 on it, that I may remember2142 the everlasting5769 covenant1285 between996 God430 and every3605 living2416 creature5315 of all3605 flesh1320 that is on the earth.776

17 神對挪亞說:「這就是我與地上一切有血肉之物立約的記號了。」

17 And God430 said559 to Noah,5146 This is the token226 of the covenant,1285 which834 I have established6965 between996 me and all3605 flesh1320 that is on the earth.776

18 出方舟挪亞的兒子就是閃、含、雅弗。含是迦南的父親。

18 And the sons1121 of Noah,5146 that went3318 forth3318 of the ark,8392 were Shem,8035 and Ham,2526 and Japheth:3315 and Ham2526 is the father1 of Canaan.3667

19 這是挪亞的三個兒子,他們的後裔分散在全地。

19 These428 are the three7969 sons1121 of Noah:5146 and of them was the whole3605 earth776 covered.5310

20 挪亞作起農夫來,栽了一個葡萄園。

20 And Noah5146 began2490 to be an farmer,376 127 and he planted5193 a vineyard:3754

21 他喝了園中的酒便醉了,在帳棚裏赤露著[uncovered]

21 And he drank8354 of the wine,3196 and was drunken;7943 and he was uncovered1540 within8432 his tent.168

22 迦南的父親含看見他父親赤身,就到外邊告訴他兩個弟兄。

22 And Ham,2526 the father1 of Canaan,3667 saw7200 the nakedness6172 of his father,1 and told5046 his two8147 brothers251 without.2351

23 於是閃和雅弗拿件衣服搭在肩上,倒退著進去,給他父親蓋上;他們背著臉就看不見父親的赤身。

23 And Shem8035 and Japheth3315 took3947 a garment,8071 and laid7760 it on both8147 their shoulders,7926 and went3212 backward,322 and covered3680 the nakedness6172 of their father;1 and their faces6440 were backward,322 and they saw7200 not their father's1 nakedness.6172

24 挪亞醒了酒,知道小兒子向他所作的事,

24 And Noah5146 awoke3364 from his wine,3196 and knew3045 what853 834 his younger6996 son1121 had done6213 to him.

25 就說:迦南當受咒詛,必給他弟兄作僕人[servants]僕人[servant]

25 And he said,559 Cursed779 be Canaan;3667 a servant5650 of servants5650 shall he be to his brothers.251

26 又說:耶和華─閃的神是應當稱頌的。願迦南作閃的僕人[servant]

26 And he said,559 Blessed1288 be the LORD3068 God430 of Shem;8035 and Canaan3667 shall be his servant.5650

27 願神使雅弗擴張,使他住在閃的帳棚裏;又願迦南作他的僕人[servant]

27 God430 shall enlarge6601 Japheth,3315 and he shall dwell7931 in the tents168 of Shem;8035 and Canaan3667 shall be his servant.5650

28 洪水以後,挪亞又活了三百五十年。

28 And Noah5146 lived2421 after310 the flood3999 three7969 hundred3967 and fifty2572 years.8141

29 挪亞共活了九百五十歲就死了。

29 And all3605 the days3117 of Noah5146 were nine8672 hundred3967 and fifty2572 years:8141 and he died.4191