

1 神對雅各說:「起來。上伯.特利去,住在那裏;要在那裏築一座壇給神,就是你逃避你哥哥以掃的時候向你顯現的那位。」

2 雅各就對他家中的人並一切與他同在的人說:「你們要除掉你們中間的外邦眾神,也要自潔,更換你們的[your]衣服。

3 我們要起來,上伯.特利去,在那裏我要築一座壇給神,就是在我遭難的日子應允我的禱告、在我行的路上與我同在[with me]的那位。」

4 他們就把他們手中[in their hand]所有[all]外邦人的神像和他們耳朵上的耳環[earrings]交給雅各;雅各都藏在示劍那裏的橡樹底下。

5 他們便起行前往。神使那周圍城邑的人都甚驚懼,就不追趕雅各的眾子了。

6 於是雅各和一切與他同在的人到了迦南地的路斯,就是伯.特利。

7 他在那裏築了一座壇,就給那地方起名叫伊勒.伯.特利;因為他逃避他哥哥的時候,神在那裏向他顯現。

8 利百加的奶母底波拉死了,就葬在伯.特利下邊橡樹底下;那棵樹名叫亞倫.巴古。

9 雅各從巴旦.亞蘭回來,神又向他顯現,賜福與他,

10 [God]且對他說:「你的名原是雅各,從今以後不要再叫雅各,要叫以色列。」這樣,他就改名叫以色列。

11 神又對他說:「我是神─全能者[God Almighty];你要生養眾多,將來有一族和多國的民要歸與你[shall be of thee],又有君王從你而[loins]

12 我所賜給亞伯拉罕和以撒的地,我要賜給你與你的後裔。」

13 神就從那與雅各說話的地方升上去了。

14 雅各便在他與神說話的地方[the place where he talked with him]立了一根石柱,在柱子上奠酒,澆油。

15 雅各就給神向他說話的[where God spake with him]那地方起名叫伯.特利。

16 他們從伯.特利起行,離以法他還有一段路程;拉結陣痛[travailed],甚是艱難。

17 正在艱難的時候,收生婆對她說:「不要怕,你又要得一個兒子了。」

18 她將近於死,元魂[soul]要走的時候,就給她兒子起名叫便.俄尼;他父親卻給他起名叫便雅憫。

19 拉結死了,葬在以法他的路旁;以法他就是伯.利恆。

20 雅各在她的墳上立了一根柱子[a pillar],就是拉結墓碑的柱子[pillar of Rachel's grave],到今日還在。

21 以色列起行前往,在以得臺那邊支搭帳棚。

22 以色列住在那地的時候,呂便去與他父親的妾辟拉同寢,以色列也聽見了。雅各共有十二個兒子。

23 利亞所生的是雅各的長子呂便,還有西緬、利未、猶大、以薩迦、西布倫。

24 拉結所生的是約瑟、便雅憫。

25 拉結的使女辟拉所生的是但、拿弗他利。

26 利亞的使女悉帕所生的是迦得、亞設。這是雅各在巴旦.亞蘭所生的兒子。

27 雅各來到他父親以撒那裏,到了基列.亞巴的幔利,乃是亞伯拉罕和以撒寄居的地方;基列.亞巴就是希伯崙。

28 以撒共活了一百八十歲。

29 以撒年紀老邁,日子滿足,氣絕而死,歸到他本民[his people]那裏。他兩個兒子以掃、雅各把他埋葬了。


Chapter 35

1 And God430 said559 to Jacob,3290 Arise,6965 go5927 up to Bethel,1008 and dwell3427 there:8033 and make6213 there8033 an altar4196 to God,410 that appeared7200 to you when you fled1272 from the face6440 of Esau6215 your brother.251

2 Then Jacob3290 said559 to his household,1004 and to all3605 that were with him, Put5493 away the strange5236 gods430 that are among8432 you, and be clean,2891 and change2498 your garments:8071

3 And let us arise,6965 and go5927 up to Bethel;1008 and I will make6213 there8033 an altar4196 to God,410 who answered6030 me in the day3117 of my distress,6869 and was with me in the way1870 which834 I went.1980

4 And they gave5414 to Jacob3290 all3605 the strange5236 gods430 which834 were in their hand,3027 and all their earrings5141 which834 were in their ears;241 and Jacob3290 hid2934 them under8478 the oak424 which834 was by Shechem.7927

5 And they journeyed:5265 and the terror2847 of God430 was on the cities5892 that were round5439 about them, and they did not pursue7291 after310 the sons1121 of Jacob.3290

6 So Jacob3290 came935 to Luz,3870 which834 is in the land776 of Canaan,3667 that is, Bethel,1008 he and all3605 the people5971 that were with him.

7 And he built1129 there8033 an altar,4196 and called7121 the place4725 Elbethel:416 because3588 there8033 God430 appeared1540 to him, when he fled1272 from the face6440 of his brother.251

8 But Deborah1683 Rebekah's7259 nurse3243 died,4191 and she was buried6912 beneath8478 Bethel1008 under8478 an oak:437 and the name8034 of it was called7121 Allonbachuth.439

9 And God430 appeared7200 to Jacob3290 again,5750 when he came935 out of Padanaram,6307 and blessed1288 him.

10 And God430 said559 to him, Your name8034 is Jacob:3290 your name8034 shall not be called7121 any5750 more5750 Jacob,3290 but Israel3478 shall be your name:8034 and he called7121 his name8034 Israel.3478

11 And God430 said559 to him, I am God410 Almighty:7706 be fruitful6509 and multiply;7235 a nation1471 and a company6951 of nations1471 shall be of you, and kings4428 shall come3318 out of your loins;2504

12 And the land776 which834 I gave5414 Abraham85 and Isaac,3327 to you I will give5414 it, and to your seed2233 after310 you will I give5414 the land.776

13 And God430 went5927 up from him in the place4725 where834 he talked1696 with him.

14 And Jacob3290 set5324 up a pillar4676 in the place4725 where he talked1696 with him, even a pillar4678 of stone:68 and he poured5258 a drink5262 offering thereon,5921 and he poured3332 oil8081 thereon.5921

15 And Jacob3290 called7121 the name8034 of the place4725 where834 God430 spoke1696 with him, Bethel.1008

16 And they journeyed5265 from Bethel;1008 and there was but a little3530 way776 to come935 to Ephrath:672 and Rachel7354 travailed,3205 and she had hard7185 labor.3205

17 And it came1961 to pass, when she was in hard7185 labor,3205 that the midwife3205 said559 to her, Fear3372 not; you shall have this2088 son1121 also.1571

18 And it came1961 to pass, as her soul5315 was in departing,3318 (for she died)4191 that she called7121 his name8034 Benoni:1126 but his father1 called7121 him Benjamin.1144

19 And Rachel7354 died,4191 and was buried6912 in the way1870 to Ephrath,672 which1931 is Bethlehem.1035

20 And Jacob3290 set5324 a pillar4676 on her grave:6900 that is the pillar4678 of Rachel's7354 grave6900 to this day.3117

21 And Israel3478 journeyed,5265 and spread5186 his tent168 beyond1973 the tower4026 of Edar.5740

22 And it came1961 to pass, when Israel3478 dwelled7931 in that land,776 that Reuben7205 went3212 and lay7901 with Bilhah1090 his father's1 concubine:6370 and Israel3478 heard8085 it. Now the sons1121 of Jacob3290 were twelve:8147

23 The sons1121 of Leah;3812 Reuben,7205 Jacob's3290 firstborn,1060 and Simeon,8095 and Levi,3878 and Judah,3063 and Issachar,3485 and Zebulun:2074

24 The sons1121 of Rachel;7354 Joseph,3130 and Benjamin:1144

25 And the sons1121 of Bilhah,1090 Rachel's7354 handmaid;8198 Dan,1835 and Naphtali:5321

26 And the sons1121 of Zilpah,2153 Leah's3812 handmaid:8198 Gad,1410 and Asher:836 these428 are the sons1121 of Jacob,3290 which834 were born3205 to him in Padanaram.6307

27 And Jacob3290 came935 to Isaac3327 his father1 to Mamre,4471 to the city7151 of Arbah,704 which834 is Hebron,2275 where834 Abraham85 and Isaac3327 sojourned.1481

28 And the days3117 of Isaac3327 were an hundred3967 and fourscore8084 years.8141

29 And Isaac3327 gave up the ghost,1478 and died,4191 and was gathered622 to his people,5971 being old2205 and full7649 of days:3117 and his sons1121 Esau6215 and Jacob3290 buried6912 him.




Chapter 35

1 神對雅各說:「起來。上伯.特利去,住在那裏;要在那裏築一座壇給神,就是你逃避你哥哥以掃的時候向你顯現的那位。」

1 And God430 said559 to Jacob,3290 Arise,6965 go5927 up to Bethel,1008 and dwell3427 there:8033 and make6213 there8033 an altar4196 to God,410 that appeared7200 to you when you fled1272 from the face6440 of Esau6215 your brother.251

2 雅各就對他家中的人並一切與他同在的人說:「你們要除掉你們中間的外邦眾神,也要自潔,更換你們的[your]衣服。

2 Then Jacob3290 said559 to his household,1004 and to all3605 that were with him, Put5493 away the strange5236 gods430 that are among8432 you, and be clean,2891 and change2498 your garments:8071

3 我們要起來,上伯.特利去,在那裏我要築一座壇給神,就是在我遭難的日子應允我的禱告、在我行的路上與我同在[with me]的那位。」

3 And let us arise,6965 and go5927 up to Bethel;1008 and I will make6213 there8033 an altar4196 to God,410 who answered6030 me in the day3117 of my distress,6869 and was with me in the way1870 which834 I went.1980

4 他們就把他們手中[in their hand]所有[all]外邦人的神像和他們耳朵上的耳環[earrings]交給雅各;雅各都藏在示劍那裏的橡樹底下。

4 And they gave5414 to Jacob3290 all3605 the strange5236 gods430 which834 were in their hand,3027 and all their earrings5141 which834 were in their ears;241 and Jacob3290 hid2934 them under8478 the oak424 which834 was by Shechem.7927

5 他們便起行前往。神使那周圍城邑的人都甚驚懼,就不追趕雅各的眾子了。

5 And they journeyed:5265 and the terror2847 of God430 was on the cities5892 that were round5439 about them, and they did not pursue7291 after310 the sons1121 of Jacob.3290

6 於是雅各和一切與他同在的人到了迦南地的路斯,就是伯.特利。

6 So Jacob3290 came935 to Luz,3870 which834 is in the land776 of Canaan,3667 that is, Bethel,1008 he and all3605 the people5971 that were with him.

7 他在那裏築了一座壇,就給那地方起名叫伊勒.伯.特利;因為他逃避他哥哥的時候,神在那裏向他顯現。

7 And he built1129 there8033 an altar,4196 and called7121 the place4725 Elbethel:416 because3588 there8033 God430 appeared1540 to him, when he fled1272 from the face6440 of his brother.251

8 利百加的奶母底波拉死了,就葬在伯.特利下邊橡樹底下;那棵樹名叫亞倫.巴古。

8 But Deborah1683 Rebekah's7259 nurse3243 died,4191 and she was buried6912 beneath8478 Bethel1008 under8478 an oak:437 and the name8034 of it was called7121 Allonbachuth.439

9 雅各從巴旦.亞蘭回來,神又向他顯現,賜福與他,

9 And God430 appeared7200 to Jacob3290 again,5750 when he came935 out of Padanaram,6307 and blessed1288 him.

10 [God]且對他說:「你的名原是雅各,從今以後不要再叫雅各,要叫以色列。」這樣,他就改名叫以色列。

10 And God430 said559 to him, Your name8034 is Jacob:3290 your name8034 shall not be called7121 any5750 more5750 Jacob,3290 but Israel3478 shall be your name:8034 and he called7121 his name8034 Israel.3478

11 神又對他說:「我是神─全能者[God Almighty];你要生養眾多,將來有一族和多國的民要歸與你[shall be of thee],又有君王從你而[loins]

11 And God430 said559 to him, I am God410 Almighty:7706 be fruitful6509 and multiply;7235 a nation1471 and a company6951 of nations1471 shall be of you, and kings4428 shall come3318 out of your loins;2504

12 我所賜給亞伯拉罕和以撒的地,我要賜給你與你的後裔。」

12 And the land776 which834 I gave5414 Abraham85 and Isaac,3327 to you I will give5414 it, and to your seed2233 after310 you will I give5414 the land.776

13 神就從那與雅各說話的地方升上去了。

13 And God430 went5927 up from him in the place4725 where834 he talked1696 with him.

14 雅各便在他與神說話的地方[the place where he talked with him]立了一根石柱,在柱子上奠酒,澆油。

14 And Jacob3290 set5324 up a pillar4676 in the place4725 where he talked1696 with him, even a pillar4678 of stone:68 and he poured5258 a drink5262 offering thereon,5921 and he poured3332 oil8081 thereon.5921

15 雅各就給神向他說話的[where God spake with him]那地方起名叫伯.特利。

15 And Jacob3290 called7121 the name8034 of the place4725 where834 God430 spoke1696 with him, Bethel.1008

16 他們從伯.特利起行,離以法他還有一段路程;拉結陣痛[travailed],甚是艱難。

16 And they journeyed5265 from Bethel;1008 and there was but a little3530 way776 to come935 to Ephrath:672 and Rachel7354 travailed,3205 and she had hard7185 labor.3205

17 正在艱難的時候,收生婆對她說:「不要怕,你又要得一個兒子了。」

17 And it came1961 to pass, when she was in hard7185 labor,3205 that the midwife3205 said559 to her, Fear3372 not; you shall have this2088 son1121 also.1571

18 她將近於死,元魂[soul]要走的時候,就給她兒子起名叫便.俄尼;他父親卻給他起名叫便雅憫。

18 And it came1961 to pass, as her soul5315 was in departing,3318 (for she died)4191 that she called7121 his name8034 Benoni:1126 but his father1 called7121 him Benjamin.1144

19 拉結死了,葬在以法他的路旁;以法他就是伯.利恆。

19 And Rachel7354 died,4191 and was buried6912 in the way1870 to Ephrath,672 which1931 is Bethlehem.1035

20 雅各在她的墳上立了一根柱子[a pillar],就是拉結墓碑的柱子[pillar of Rachel's grave],到今日還在。

20 And Jacob3290 set5324 a pillar4676 on her grave:6900 that is the pillar4678 of Rachel's7354 grave6900 to this day.3117

21 以色列起行前往,在以得臺那邊支搭帳棚。

21 And Israel3478 journeyed,5265 and spread5186 his tent168 beyond1973 the tower4026 of Edar.5740

22 以色列住在那地的時候,呂便去與他父親的妾辟拉同寢,以色列也聽見了。雅各共有十二個兒子。

22 And it came1961 to pass, when Israel3478 dwelled7931 in that land,776 that Reuben7205 went3212 and lay7901 with Bilhah1090 his father's1 concubine:6370 and Israel3478 heard8085 it. Now the sons1121 of Jacob3290 were twelve:8147

23 利亞所生的是雅各的長子呂便,還有西緬、利未、猶大、以薩迦、西布倫。

23 The sons1121 of Leah;3812 Reuben,7205 Jacob's3290 firstborn,1060 and Simeon,8095 and Levi,3878 and Judah,3063 and Issachar,3485 and Zebulun:2074

24 拉結所生的是約瑟、便雅憫。

24 The sons1121 of Rachel;7354 Joseph,3130 and Benjamin:1144

25 拉結的使女辟拉所生的是但、拿弗他利。

25 And the sons1121 of Bilhah,1090 Rachel's7354 handmaid;8198 Dan,1835 and Naphtali:5321

26 利亞的使女悉帕所生的是迦得、亞設。這是雅各在巴旦.亞蘭所生的兒子。

26 And the sons1121 of Zilpah,2153 Leah's3812 handmaid:8198 Gad,1410 and Asher:836 these428 are the sons1121 of Jacob,3290 which834 were born3205 to him in Padanaram.6307

27 雅各來到他父親以撒那裏,到了基列.亞巴的幔利,乃是亞伯拉罕和以撒寄居的地方;基列.亞巴就是希伯崙。

27 And Jacob3290 came935 to Isaac3327 his father1 to Mamre,4471 to the city7151 of Arbah,704 which834 is Hebron,2275 where834 Abraham85 and Isaac3327 sojourned.1481

28 以撒共活了一百八十歲。

28 And the days3117 of Isaac3327 were an hundred3967 and fourscore8084 years.8141

29 以撒年紀老邁,日子滿足,氣絕而死,歸到他本民[his people]那裏。他兩個兒子以掃、雅各把他埋葬了。

29 And Isaac3327 gave up the ghost,1478 and died,4191 and was gathered622 to his people,5971 being old2205 and full7649 of days:3117 and his sons1121 Esau6215 and Jacob3290 buried6912 him.