

1 神既在古時藉著眾先知多次多方的曉諭列祖,

2 就在這末後的日子[last days]藉著他兒子曉諭我們,又早已立他為承受一切[all things]的,也曾藉著他創造諸世界。

3 他是神榮耀所發的光輝,是神本體的真像,常用他權能的命令托住一切[all things]他親自[by himself]洗淨了我們[our]的罪,就坐在高天至大者的右邊。

4 他所承受的名,既比天使的名更尊貴,就遠超過天使。

5 所有的天使,神從來對那一個說;你是我的兒子,我今日生你?又指著那一個說;我要作他的父,他要作我的子?

6 再者[And again],神使長子到世上來的時候,就說:「神的天使[angels]都要敬拜[worship]他。」

7 論到天使[angels],又說:「神造他的天使為靈[maketh his angels spirits],以火焰為僕役。」

8 他對子卻說[But unto the Son he saith]:「神啊,你的寶座是永永遠遠的;你的國權是公義[righteousness]的。

9 你喜愛公義,恨惡罪惡;所以神,就是你的神,用喜樂油膏你,勝過膏你的同伴。」

10 又說:「主啊,你起初立了地的根基;諸天[heavens]也是你手所造的。

11 天地都要滅沒,你卻要長存。天地都要像衣服漸漸舊了;

12 你要將天地捲起來,像一件外衣,天地就都改變了。唯有你永不改變;你的年數沒有窮盡。」

13 所有的天使,神從來對那一個說;你坐在我的右邊,等我使你仇敵作你的腳凳?

14 天使豈不都是服役的靈、奉差遣為那將要承受救恩的人效力嗎?


Chapter 1

1 God,2316 who at sundry4181 times and in divers4187 manners4187 spoke2980 in time3819 past3819 to the fathers3962 by the prophets,4396

2 Has in these5130 last2078 days2250 spoken2980 to us by his Son,5207 whom3739 he has appointed5087 heir2818 of all3956 things, by whom3739 also2532 he made4160 the worlds;165

3 Who being the brightness541 of his glory,1391 and the express5481 image5481 of his person,5287 and upholding5342 all3956 things by the word4487 of his power,1411 when he had by himself1438 purged4160 2512 our sins,266 sat2523 down2523 on1722 the right1188 hand of the Majesty3172 on1722 high:5308

4 Being made1096 so5118 much5118 better2909 than the angels,32 as he has by inheritance2820 obtained2816 a more excellent1313 name3686 than3844 they.

5 For to which5101 of the angels32 said2036 he at4218 any4218 time,4218 You are1488 my Son,5207 this4594 day4594 have I begotten1080 you? And again,3825 I will be to him a Father,3962 and he shall be to me a Son?5207

6 And again,3825 when3752 he brings1521 in the first-begotten4416 into1519 the world,3625 he said,3004 And let all3956 the angels32 of God2316 worship4352 him.

7 And of the angels32 he said,3004 Who3739 makes4160 his angels32 spirits,4151 and his ministers3011 a flame5395 of fire.4442

8 But to the Son5207 he said, Your throne,2362 O God,2316 is for ever165 and ever:165 a scepter4464 of righteousness2118 is the scepter4464 of your kingdom.932

9 You have loved25 righteousness,1343 and hated3404 iniquity;458 therefore1223 5124 God,2316 even your God,2316 has anointed5548 you with the oil1637 of gladness20 above3844 your fellows.3353

10 And, You, Lord,2962 in the beginning746 have laid the foundation2311 of the earth;1093 and the heavens3772 are the works2041 of your4675 hands:5495

11 They shall perish;622 but you remain;1265 and they all3956 shall wax3822 old3822 as does a garment;2440

12 And as a clothing4018 shall you fold1667 them up, and they shall be changed:236 but you are1488 the same,846 and your years2094 shall not fail.1587

13 But to which5101 of the angels32 said2046 he at4218 any4218 time,4218 Sit2521 on1537 my right1188 hand, until2193 I make5087 your4675 enemies2190 your footstoo?5286 4228

14 Are they not all3956 ministering3010 spirits,4151 sent649 forth649 to minister1248 for them who shall be heirs2816 of salvation?4991




Chapter 1

1 神既在古時藉著眾先知多次多方的曉諭列祖,

1 God,2316 who at sundry4181 times and in divers4187 manners4187 spoke2980 in time3819 past3819 to the fathers3962 by the prophets,4396

2 就在這末後的日子[last days]藉著他兒子曉諭我們,又早已立他為承受一切[all things]的,也曾藉著他創造諸世界。

2 Has in these5130 last2078 days2250 spoken2980 to us by his Son,5207 whom3739 he has appointed5087 heir2818 of all3956 things, by whom3739 also2532 he made4160 the worlds;165

3 他是神榮耀所發的光輝,是神本體的真像,常用他權能的命令托住一切[all things]他親自[by himself]洗淨了我們[our]的罪,就坐在高天至大者的右邊。

3 Who being the brightness541 of his glory,1391 and the express5481 image5481 of his person,5287 and upholding5342 all3956 things by the word4487 of his power,1411 when he had by himself1438 purged4160 2512 our sins,266 sat2523 down2523 on1722 the right1188 hand of the Majesty3172 on1722 high:5308

4 他所承受的名,既比天使的名更尊貴,就遠超過天使。

4 Being made1096 so5118 much5118 better2909 than the angels,32 as he has by inheritance2820 obtained2816 a more excellent1313 name3686 than3844 they.

5 所有的天使,神從來對那一個說;你是我的兒子,我今日生你?又指著那一個說;我要作他的父,他要作我的子?

5 For to which5101 of the angels32 said2036 he at4218 any4218 time,4218 You are1488 my Son,5207 this4594 day4594 have I begotten1080 you? And again,3825 I will be to him a Father,3962 and he shall be to me a Son?5207

6 再者[And again],神使長子到世上來的時候,就說:「神的天使[angels]都要敬拜[worship]他。」

6 And again,3825 when3752 he brings1521 in the first-begotten4416 into1519 the world,3625 he said,3004 And let all3956 the angels32 of God2316 worship4352 him.

7 論到天使[angels],又說:「神造他的天使為靈[maketh his angels spirits],以火焰為僕役。」

7 And of the angels32 he said,3004 Who3739 makes4160 his angels32 spirits,4151 and his ministers3011 a flame5395 of fire.4442

8 他對子卻說[But unto the Son he saith]:「神啊,你的寶座是永永遠遠的;你的國權是公義[righteousness]的。

8 But to the Son5207 he said, Your throne,2362 O God,2316 is for ever165 and ever:165 a scepter4464 of righteousness2118 is the scepter4464 of your kingdom.932

9 你喜愛公義,恨惡罪惡;所以神,就是你的神,用喜樂油膏你,勝過膏你的同伴。」

9 You have loved25 righteousness,1343 and hated3404 iniquity;458 therefore1223 5124 God,2316 even your God,2316 has anointed5548 you with the oil1637 of gladness20 above3844 your fellows.3353

10 又說:「主啊,你起初立了地的根基;諸天[heavens]也是你手所造的。

10 And, You, Lord,2962 in the beginning746 have laid the foundation2311 of the earth;1093 and the heavens3772 are the works2041 of your4675 hands:5495

11 天地都要滅沒,你卻要長存。天地都要像衣服漸漸舊了;

11 They shall perish;622 but you remain;1265 and they all3956 shall wax3822 old3822 as does a garment;2440

12 你要將天地捲起來,像一件外衣,天地就都改變了。唯有你永不改變;你的年數沒有窮盡。」

12 And as a clothing4018 shall you fold1667 them up, and they shall be changed:236 but you are1488 the same,846 and your years2094 shall not fail.1587

13 所有的天使,神從來對那一個說;你坐在我的右邊,等我使你仇敵作你的腳凳?

13 But to which5101 of the angels32 said2046 he at4218 any4218 time,4218 Sit2521 on1537 my right1188 hand, until2193 I make5087 your4675 enemies2190 your footstoo?5286 4228

14 天使豈不都是服役的靈、奉差遣為那將要承受救恩的人效力嗎?

14 Are they not all3956 ministering3010 spirits,4151 sent649 forth649 to minister1248 for them who shall be heirs2816 of salvation?4991