

1 耶和華對亞倫說:「你和你的兒子,並你本族的人,要一同擔當干犯聖所的罪孽。你和你的兒子也要一同擔當干犯祭司職任的罪孽。

2 你要帶你弟兄利未支派的人[of the tribe of],就是你祖宗支派的人前來,使他們與你聯合,服事你;只是你和你的兒子,要一同在作證[witness]的帳幕前供職。

3 他們要守所囑咐[charge]你的,並守全帳幕;只是他們[they]不可挨近聖所的器具和壇,免得他們和你們都死亡。

4 他們要與你聯合,也要看守會幕,辦理帳幕一切的事,只是外人不可挨近你們。

5 你們要看守聖所和壇,免得忿怒再臨到以色列人。

6 看哪[behold]。我已將你們的弟兄利未人從以色列人中揀選出來歸耶和華,是給你們為賞賜的,為要辦理會幕的事。

7 你和你的兒子要為一切屬壇和幔子內的事一同守祭司的職任。你們要這樣供職;我將祭司的職任給你們當作賞賜事奉我。凡挨近的外人必被治死。」

8 耶和華曉諭亞倫說:「看哪[behold],我已將歸我的舉祭,就是以色列人一切分別為聖的物,交給你經管;因你受過膏,把這些都賜給你和你的子孫,當作永遠的定例[ordinance for ever]

9 以色列人歸給我至聖的供物,就是一切的素祭、贖罪祭、贖愆祭,其中所有存留不經火的,都為至聖之物,要歸給你和你的子孫。

10 你要拿這些在至聖所[In the most holy place]吃;凡男丁都可以吃。你當以此物為聖。

11 以色列人所獻的舉祭並搖祭都是你的;我已賜給你和你的兒女,當作永遠的定例[statute for ever];凡在你家中的潔淨人都可以吃。

12 凡油中、新酒中、麥子[wheat]中至好的,就是以色列人所[shall]獻給耶和華初熟之物,我都賜給你。

13 凡從他們地上所帶來給耶和華初熟之物也都要歸與你。你家中的潔淨人都可以吃。

14 以色列中一切永獻的都必歸與你。

15 他們所有奉給耶和華的,連人帶牲畜,凡頭生的,都要歸給你;只是人頭生的,總要贖出來;不潔淨牲畜頭生的,也要贖出來。

16 其中在一月之外所當贖的,要照你所估定的價,按聖所的平,用[money]五舍客勒贖出來,一舍客勒是二十季拉。

17 只是頭生的牛,或是頭生的綿羊和山羊,[thou]必不可贖;都是聖的。[thou]要把牠的血灑在壇上,把牠的脂油焚燒,當作馨香的火祭獻給耶和華。

18 牠的肉必歸你,像被搖的胸、被舉的右前腿[shoulder]歸你一樣。

19 凡以色列人所獻給耶和華聖物中的舉祭,我都賜給你和你的兒女,當作永遠的定例[statute for ever]。這是給你和你的後裔、在耶和華面前作為永遠的鹽約。」

20 耶和華對亞倫說:「你在以色列人的境內不可有產業,在他們中間也不可有分。我就是你的分,是你的產業。」

21 看哪[behold],凡以色列中出產的十分之一,我已賜給利未的子孫為業;因他們所辦的是會幕的事,所以賜給他們為酬他們的勞。

22 從今以後,以色列人[must]不可挨近會幕,免得他們擔罪而死。

23 唯獨利未人要辦會幕的事,並且他們要[and they shall]擔當他們的[their]罪孽;這要作你們世世代代永遠的定例。他們在以色列人中不可有產業;

24 因為以色列人中出產的十分之一,就是獻給耶和華為舉祭的,我已賜給利未人為業。所以我對他們說:『在以色列人中不可有產業。』」

25 耶和華曉諭[spake unto]摩西說:

26 「你曉諭利未人說:你們從以色列人中所取的十分之一,就是我給你們為業的,要再從那十分之一中取十分之一作為舉祭獻給耶和華,

27 這舉祭要算為你們場上的穀,又如滿酒醡的酒。

28 這樣,你們從以色列人中所得的十分之一也要作舉祭獻給耶和華,從這十分之一中,將所獻給耶和華的舉祭歸給祭司亞倫。

29 奉給你們的一切禮物,要從其中將至好的,就是分別為聖的,獻給耶和華為舉祭。

30 所以你要對利未人說:你們從其中將至好的舉起,這就算為你們場上的糧,又如酒醡的酒。

31 你們和你們家屬隨處可以吃;這原是你們的賞賜,是酬你們在會幕裏辦事的勞。

32 你們從其中將至好的舉起,就不至因這物擔罪。你們不可玷污[pollute]以色列人的聖物,免得死亡。」


Chapter 18

1 And the LORD3068 said559 to Aaron,175 You and your sons1121 and your father's1 house1004 with you shall bear5375 the iniquity5771 of the sanctuary:4720 and you and your sons1121 with you shall bear5375 the iniquity5771 of your priesthood.3550

2 And your brothers251 also1571 of the tribe4294 of Levi,3878 the tribe7626 of your father,1 bring7126 you with you, that they may be joined3867 to you, and minister8334 to you: but you and your sons1121 with you shall minister before6440 the tabernacle168 of witness.5715

3 And they shall keep8104 your charge,4931 and the charge4931 of all3605 the tabernacle:168 only389 they shall not come7126 near7126 the vessels3627 of the sanctuary6944 and the altar,4196 that neither3808 1571 they, nor you also,1571 die.4191

4 And they shall be joined3867 to you, and keep8104 the charge4931 of the tabernacle168 of the congregation,4150 for all3605 the service5656 of the tabernacle:168 and a stranger376 2114 shall not come7126 near7126 to you.

5 And you shall keep8104 the charge4931 of the sanctuary,6944 and the charge4931 of the altar:4196 that there be no3808 wrath7110 any more5750 on the children1121 of Israel.3478

6 And I, behold,2009 I have taken3947 your brothers251 the Levites3881 from among8432 the children1121 of Israel:3478 to you they are given5414 as a gift4979 for the LORD,3068 to do5647 the service5656 of the tabernacle168 of the congregation.4150

7 Therefore you and your sons1121 with you shall keep8104 your priest's3550 office for everything3605 1697 of the altar,4196 and within1004 the veil;6532 and you shall serve:5647 I have given5414 your priest's3550 office to you as a service5656 of gift:4979 and the stranger376 2114 that comes7131 near7126 shall be put to death.4191

8 And the LORD3068 spoke1696 to Aaron,175 Behold,2009 I also have given5414 you the charge4931 of my heave8641 offerings8641 of all3605 the hallowed6944 things of the children1121 of Israel;3478 to you have I given5414 them by reason of the anointing,4888 and to your sons,1121 by an ordinance2706 for ever.5769

9 This2088 shall be your of the most6944 holy6944 things, reserved from the fire:784 every3605 oblation7133 of theirs, every3605 meat offering4503 of theirs, and every3605 sin2403 offering of theirs, and every3605 trespass817 offering of theirs which834 they shall render7725 to me, shall be most6944 holy6944 for you and for your sons.1121

10 In the most6944 holy6944 place shall you eat398 it; every3605 male2145 shall eat398 it: it shall be holy6944 to you.

11 And this2088 is yours; the heave8641 offering8641 of their gift,4976 with all3605 the wave8573 offerings of the children1121 of Israel:3478 I have given5414 them to you, and to your sons1121 and to your daughters1323 with you, by a statute2706 for ever:5769 every3605 one that is clean2889 in your house1004 shall eat398 of it.

12 All3605 the best2459 of the oil,8081 and all3605 the best2459 of the wine,8492 and of the wheat,1715 the first fruits7225 of them which834 they shall offer5414 to the LORD,3068 them have I given5414 you.

13 And whatever3605 834 is first1061 ripe1061 in the land,776 which834 they shall bring935 to the LORD,3068 shall be yours; every3605 one that is clean2889 in your house1004 shall eat398 of it.

14 Every thing3605 devoted2764 in Israel3478 shall be yours.

15 Every3605 thing that opens6363 the matrix7358 in all3605 flesh,1320 which834 they bring7126 to the LORD,3068 whether it be of men120 or176 beasts,929 shall be yours: nevertheless389 the firstborn1060 of man120 shall you surely redeem,6299 and the firstling1060 of unclean2931 beasts929 shall you redeem.6299

16 And those that are to be redeemed6299 from a month2320 old1121 shall you redeem,6299 according to your estimation,6187 for the money3701 of five2568 shekels,8255 after the shekel8255 of the sanctuary,6944 which1958 is twenty6242 gerahs.1626

17 But the firstling1060 of a cow,7794 or the firstling1060 of a sheep,3775 or176 the firstling1060 of a goat,5795 you shall not redeem;6299 they are holy:6944 you shall sprinkle2236 their blood1818 on the altar,4196 and shall burn6999 their fat2459 for an offering made by fire, for a sweet5207 smell7381 to the LORD.3068

18 And the flesh1320 of them shall be yours, as the wave8573 breast2373 and as the right3225 shoulder7785 are yours.

19 All3605 the heave8641 offerings8641 of the holy6944 things, which834 the children1121 of Israel3478 offer7311 to the LORD,3068 have I given5414 you, and your sons1121 and your daughters1323 with you, by a statute2706 for ever:5769 it is a covenant1285 of salt4417 for ever5769 before6440 the LORD3068 to you and to your seed2233 with you.

20 And the LORD3068 spoke559 to Aaron,175 You shall have no3808 inheritance5157 in their land,776 neither3808 shall you have1961 any part2506 among8432 them: I am your part2506 and your inheritance5159 among8432 the children1121 of Israel.3478

21 And, behold,2009 I have given5414 the children1121 of Levi3878 all3605 the tenth4643 in Israel3478 for an inheritance,5159 for their service5656 which834 they serve,5647 even the service5656 of the tabernacle168 of the congregation.4150

22 Neither3808 must the children1121 of Israel3478 from now on5750 come7126 near7126 the tabernacle168 of the congregation,4150 lest they bear5375 sin,2399 and die.4191

23 But the Levites3881 shall do5647 the service5656 of the tabernacle168 of the congregation,4150 and they shall bear5375 their iniquity:5771 it shall be a statute2708 for ever5769 throughout your generations,1755 that among8432 the children1121 of Israel3478 they have no3808 inheritance.5159

24 But the tithes4643 of the children1121 of Israel,3478 which834 they offer7311 as an heave8641 offering8641 to the LORD,3068 I have given5414 to the Levites3881 to inherit:5159 therefore5921 3651 I have said559 to them, Among8432 the children1121 of Israel3478 they shall have no3808 inheritance.5159

25 And the LORD3068 spoke1696 to Moses,4872 saying,559

26 Thus speak1696 to the Levites,3881 and say559 to them, When3588 you take3947 of the children1121 of Israel3478 the tithes4643 which834 I have given5414 you from them for your inheritance,5159 then you shall offer7311 up an heave8641 offering8641 of it for the LORD,3068 even a tenth4643 part2506 of the tithe.4643

27 And this your heave8641 offering8641 shall be reckoned2803 to you, as though it were the corn1715 of the threshing floor,1637 and as the fullness4395 of the wine press.3342

28 Thus3651 you also1571 shall offer7311 an heave8641 offering8641 to the LORD3068 of all3605 your tithes,4643 which834 you receive3947 of the children1121 of Israel;3478 and you shall give5414 thereof the LORD's3068 heave8641 offering8641 to Aaron175 the priest.3548

29 Out of all3605 your gifts4979 you shall offer7311 every3605 heave8641 offering8641 of the LORD,3068 of all3605 the best2459 thereof, even853 the hallowed4720 part thereof out of it.

30 Therefore you shall say559 to them, When you have heaved7311 the best2459 thereof from it, then it shall be counted2803 to the Levites3881 as the increase8393 of the threshing floor,1637 and as the increase8393 of the wine press.3342

31 And you shall eat398 it in every3605 place,4725 you and your households:1004 for it is your reward7939 for your service5656 in the tabernacle168 of the congregation.4150

32 And you shall bear5375 no3808 sin2399 by reason5921 of it, when you have heaved7311 from it the best2459 of it: neither3808 shall you pollute2490 the holy6944 things of the children1121 of Israel,3478 lest3808 you die.4191




Chapter 18

1 耶和華對亞倫說:「你和你的兒子,並你本族的人,要一同擔當干犯聖所的罪孽。你和你的兒子也要一同擔當干犯祭司職任的罪孽。

1 And the LORD3068 said559 to Aaron,175 You and your sons1121 and your father's1 house1004 with you shall bear5375 the iniquity5771 of the sanctuary:4720 and you and your sons1121 with you shall bear5375 the iniquity5771 of your priesthood.3550

2 你要帶你弟兄利未支派的人[of the tribe of],就是你祖宗支派的人前來,使他們與你聯合,服事你;只是你和你的兒子,要一同在作證[witness]的帳幕前供職。

2 And your brothers251 also1571 of the tribe4294 of Levi,3878 the tribe7626 of your father,1 bring7126 you with you, that they may be joined3867 to you, and minister8334 to you: but you and your sons1121 with you shall minister before6440 the tabernacle168 of witness.5715

3 他們要守所囑咐[charge]你的,並守全帳幕;只是他們[they]不可挨近聖所的器具和壇,免得他們和你們都死亡。

3 And they shall keep8104 your charge,4931 and the charge4931 of all3605 the tabernacle:168 only389 they shall not come7126 near7126 the vessels3627 of the sanctuary6944 and the altar,4196 that neither3808 1571 they, nor you also,1571 die.4191

4 他們要與你聯合,也要看守會幕,辦理帳幕一切的事,只是外人不可挨近你們。

4 And they shall be joined3867 to you, and keep8104 the charge4931 of the tabernacle168 of the congregation,4150 for all3605 the service5656 of the tabernacle:168 and a stranger376 2114 shall not come7126 near7126 to you.

5 你們要看守聖所和壇,免得忿怒再臨到以色列人。

5 And you shall keep8104 the charge4931 of the sanctuary,6944 and the charge4931 of the altar:4196 that there be no3808 wrath7110 any more5750 on the children1121 of Israel.3478

6 看哪[behold]。我已將你們的弟兄利未人從以色列人中揀選出來歸耶和華,是給你們為賞賜的,為要辦理會幕的事。

6 And I, behold,2009 I have taken3947 your brothers251 the Levites3881 from among8432 the children1121 of Israel:3478 to you they are given5414 as a gift4979 for the LORD,3068 to do5647 the service5656 of the tabernacle168 of the congregation.4150

7 你和你的兒子要為一切屬壇和幔子內的事一同守祭司的職任。你們要這樣供職;我將祭司的職任給你們當作賞賜事奉我。凡挨近的外人必被治死。」

7 Therefore you and your sons1121 with you shall keep8104 your priest's3550 office for everything3605 1697 of the altar,4196 and within1004 the veil;6532 and you shall serve:5647 I have given5414 your priest's3550 office to you as a service5656 of gift:4979 and the stranger376 2114 that comes7131 near7126 shall be put to death.4191

8 耶和華曉諭亞倫說:「看哪[behold],我已將歸我的舉祭,就是以色列人一切分別為聖的物,交給你經管;因你受過膏,把這些都賜給你和你的子孫,當作永遠的定例[ordinance for ever]

8 And the LORD3068 spoke1696 to Aaron,175 Behold,2009 I also have given5414 you the charge4931 of my heave8641 offerings8641 of all3605 the hallowed6944 things of the children1121 of Israel;3478 to you have I given5414 them by reason of the anointing,4888 and to your sons,1121 by an ordinance2706 for ever.5769

9 以色列人歸給我至聖的供物,就是一切的素祭、贖罪祭、贖愆祭,其中所有存留不經火的,都為至聖之物,要歸給你和你的子孫。

9 This2088 shall be your of the most6944 holy6944 things, reserved from the fire:784 every3605 oblation7133 of theirs, every3605 meat offering4503 of theirs, and every3605 sin2403 offering of theirs, and every3605 trespass817 offering of theirs which834 they shall render7725 to me, shall be most6944 holy6944 for you and for your sons.1121

10 你要拿這些在至聖所[In the most holy place]吃;凡男丁都可以吃。你當以此物為聖。

10 In the most6944 holy6944 place shall you eat398 it; every3605 male2145 shall eat398 it: it shall be holy6944 to you.

11 以色列人所獻的舉祭並搖祭都是你的;我已賜給你和你的兒女,當作永遠的定例[statute for ever];凡在你家中的潔淨人都可以吃。

11 And this2088 is yours; the heave8641 offering8641 of their gift,4976 with all3605 the wave8573 offerings of the children1121 of Israel:3478 I have given5414 them to you, and to your sons1121 and to your daughters1323 with you, by a statute2706 for ever:5769 every3605 one that is clean2889 in your house1004 shall eat398 of it.

12 凡油中、新酒中、麥子[wheat]中至好的,就是以色列人所[shall]獻給耶和華初熟之物,我都賜給你。

12 All3605 the best2459 of the oil,8081 and all3605 the best2459 of the wine,8492 and of the wheat,1715 the first fruits7225 of them which834 they shall offer5414 to the LORD,3068 them have I given5414 you.

13 凡從他們地上所帶來給耶和華初熟之物也都要歸與你。你家中的潔淨人都可以吃。

13 And whatever3605 834 is first1061 ripe1061 in the land,776 which834 they shall bring935 to the LORD,3068 shall be yours; every3605 one that is clean2889 in your house1004 shall eat398 of it.

14 以色列中一切永獻的都必歸與你。

14 Every thing3605 devoted2764 in Israel3478 shall be yours.

15 他們所有奉給耶和華的,連人帶牲畜,凡頭生的,都要歸給你;只是人頭生的,總要贖出來;不潔淨牲畜頭生的,也要贖出來。

15 Every3605 thing that opens6363 the matrix7358 in all3605 flesh,1320 which834 they bring7126 to the LORD,3068 whether it be of men120 or176 beasts,929 shall be yours: nevertheless389 the firstborn1060 of man120 shall you surely redeem,6299 and the firstling1060 of unclean2931 beasts929 shall you redeem.6299

16 其中在一月之外所當贖的,要照你所估定的價,按聖所的平,用[money]五舍客勒贖出來,一舍客勒是二十季拉。

16 And those that are to be redeemed6299 from a month2320 old1121 shall you redeem,6299 according to your estimation,6187 for the money3701 of five2568 shekels,8255 after the shekel8255 of the sanctuary,6944 which1958 is twenty6242 gerahs.1626

17 只是頭生的牛,或是頭生的綿羊和山羊,[thou]必不可贖;都是聖的。[thou]要把牠的血灑在壇上,把牠的脂油焚燒,當作馨香的火祭獻給耶和華。

17 But the firstling1060 of a cow,7794 or the firstling1060 of a sheep,3775 or176 the firstling1060 of a goat,5795 you shall not redeem;6299 they are holy:6944 you shall sprinkle2236 their blood1818 on the altar,4196 and shall burn6999 their fat2459 for an offering made by fire, for a sweet5207 smell7381 to the LORD.3068

18 牠的肉必歸你,像被搖的胸、被舉的右前腿[shoulder]歸你一樣。

18 And the flesh1320 of them shall be yours, as the wave8573 breast2373 and as the right3225 shoulder7785 are yours.

19 凡以色列人所獻給耶和華聖物中的舉祭,我都賜給你和你的兒女,當作永遠的定例[statute for ever]。這是給你和你的後裔、在耶和華面前作為永遠的鹽約。」

19 All3605 the heave8641 offerings8641 of the holy6944 things, which834 the children1121 of Israel3478 offer7311 to the LORD,3068 have I given5414 you, and your sons1121 and your daughters1323 with you, by a statute2706 for ever:5769 it is a covenant1285 of salt4417 for ever5769 before6440 the LORD3068 to you and to your seed2233 with you.

20 耶和華對亞倫說:「你在以色列人的境內不可有產業,在他們中間也不可有分。我就是你的分,是你的產業。」

20 And the LORD3068 spoke559 to Aaron,175 You shall have no3808 inheritance5157 in their land,776 neither3808 shall you have1961 any part2506 among8432 them: I am your part2506 and your inheritance5159 among8432 the children1121 of Israel.3478

21 看哪[behold],凡以色列中出產的十分之一,我已賜給利未的子孫為業;因他們所辦的是會幕的事,所以賜給他們為酬他們的勞。

21 And, behold,2009 I have given5414 the children1121 of Levi3878 all3605 the tenth4643 in Israel3478 for an inheritance,5159 for their service5656 which834 they serve,5647 even the service5656 of the tabernacle168 of the congregation.4150

22 從今以後,以色列人[must]不可挨近會幕,免得他們擔罪而死。

22 Neither3808 must the children1121 of Israel3478 from now on5750 come7126 near7126 the tabernacle168 of the congregation,4150 lest they bear5375 sin,2399 and die.4191

23 唯獨利未人要辦會幕的事,並且他們要[and they shall]擔當他們的[their]罪孽;這要作你們世世代代永遠的定例。他們在以色列人中不可有產業;

23 But the Levites3881 shall do5647 the service5656 of the tabernacle168 of the congregation,4150 and they shall bear5375 their iniquity:5771 it shall be a statute2708 for ever5769 throughout your generations,1755 that among8432 the children1121 of Israel3478 they have no3808 inheritance.5159

24 因為以色列人中出產的十分之一,就是獻給耶和華為舉祭的,我已賜給利未人為業。所以我對他們說:『在以色列人中不可有產業。』」

24 But the tithes4643 of the children1121 of Israel,3478 which834 they offer7311 as an heave8641 offering8641 to the LORD,3068 I have given5414 to the Levites3881 to inherit:5159 therefore5921 3651 I have said559 to them, Among8432 the children1121 of Israel3478 they shall have no3808 inheritance.5159

25 耶和華曉諭[spake unto]摩西說:

25 And the LORD3068 spoke1696 to Moses,4872 saying,559

26 「你曉諭利未人說:你們從以色列人中所取的十分之一,就是我給你們為業的,要再從那十分之一中取十分之一作為舉祭獻給耶和華,

26 Thus speak1696 to the Levites,3881 and say559 to them, When3588 you take3947 of the children1121 of Israel3478 the tithes4643 which834 I have given5414 you from them for your inheritance,5159 then you shall offer7311 up an heave8641 offering8641 of it for the LORD,3068 even a tenth4643 part2506 of the tithe.4643

27 這舉祭要算為你們場上的穀,又如滿酒醡的酒。

27 And this your heave8641 offering8641 shall be reckoned2803 to you, as though it were the corn1715 of the threshing floor,1637 and as the fullness4395 of the wine press.3342

28 這樣,你們從以色列人中所得的十分之一也要作舉祭獻給耶和華,從這十分之一中,將所獻給耶和華的舉祭歸給祭司亞倫。

28 Thus3651 you also1571 shall offer7311 an heave8641 offering8641 to the LORD3068 of all3605 your tithes,4643 which834 you receive3947 of the children1121 of Israel;3478 and you shall give5414 thereof the LORD's3068 heave8641 offering8641 to Aaron175 the priest.3548

29 奉給你們的一切禮物,要從其中將至好的,就是分別為聖的,獻給耶和華為舉祭。

29 Out of all3605 your gifts4979 you shall offer7311 every3605 heave8641 offering8641 of the LORD,3068 of all3605 the best2459 thereof, even853 the hallowed4720 part thereof out of it.

30 所以你要對利未人說:你們從其中將至好的舉起,這就算為你們場上的糧,又如酒醡的酒。

30 Therefore you shall say559 to them, When you have heaved7311 the best2459 thereof from it, then it shall be counted2803 to the Levites3881 as the increase8393 of the threshing floor,1637 and as the increase8393 of the wine press.3342

31 你們和你們家屬隨處可以吃;這原是你們的賞賜,是酬你們在會幕裏辦事的勞。

31 And you shall eat398 it in every3605 place,4725 you and your households:1004 for it is your reward7939 for your service5656 in the tabernacle168 of the congregation.4150

32 你們從其中將至好的舉起,就不至因這物擔罪。你們不可玷污[pollute]以色列人的聖物,免得死亡。」

32 And you shall bear5375 no3808 sin2399 by reason5921 of it, when you have heaved7311 from it the best2459 of it: neither3808 shall you pollute2490 the holy6944 things of the children1121 of Israel,3478 lest3808 you die.4191