1 Samuel

Chapter 16

1 And the LORD3068 said559 to Samuel,8050 How5704 long5704 will you mourn56 for Saul,7586 seeing I have rejected3988 him from reigning4427 over5921 Israel?3478 fill4390 your horn7161 with oil,8081 and go,3212 I will send7971 you to Jesse3448 the Bethlehemite:1022 for I have provided7200 me a king4428 among his sons.1121

2 And Samuel8050 said,559 How349 can I go?3212 if Saul7586 hear8085 it, he will kill2026 me. And the LORD3068 said,559 Take3947 an heifer5697 with you, and say,559 I am come935 to sacrifice2076 to the LORD.3068

3 And call7121 Jesse3448 to the sacrifice,2077 and I will show3045 you what853 834 you shall do:6213 and you shall anoint4886 to me him whom834 I name559 to you.

4 And Samuel8050 did6213 that which834 the LORD3068 spoke,1696 and came935 to Bethlehem.1035 And the elders2205 of the town7023 trembled2729 at his coming,7122 and said,559 Come935 you peaceably?7965

5 And he said,559 Peaceably:7965 I am come935 to sacrifice2076 to the LORD:3068 sanctify6942 yourselves, and come935 with me to the sacrifice.2077 And he sanctified6942 Jesse3448 and his sons,1121 and called7121 them to the sacrifice.2077

6 And it came1961 to pass, when they were come,935 that he looked7200 on Eliab,446 and said,559 Surely389 the LORD's3068 anointed4899 is before5048 him.

7 But the LORD3068 said559 to Samuel,8050 Look5027 not on413 his countenance,4758 or on the height1364 of his stature;6967 because3588 I have refused3988 him: for the LORD3068 sees not as man120 sees;7200 for man120 looks7200 on the outward5869 appearance,5869 but the LORD3068 looks7200 on the heart.3824

8 Then Jesse3448 called7121 Abinadab,41 and made him pass5674 before6440 Samuel.8050 And he said,559 Neither1571 3808 has the LORD3068 chosen977 this.2088

9 Then Jesse3448 made Shammah8048 to pass5674 by. And he said,559 Neither1571 3808 has the LORD3068 chosen977 this.2088

10 Again, Jesse3448 made seven7651 of his sons1121 to pass5674 before6440 Samuel.8050 And Samuel8050 said559 to Jesse,3448 The LORD3068 has not chosen977 these.428

11 And Samuel8050 said559 to Jesse,3448 Are here8552 all8552 your children?5288 And he said,559 There remains7604 yet5750 the youngest,3996 and, behold,2009 he keeps7462 the sheep.6629 And Samuel8050 said559 to Jesse,3448 Send7971 and fetch3947 him: for we will not sit5437 down till5704 he come935 here.6311

12 And he sent,7971 and brought935 him in. Now he was ruddy,132 and with5973 of a beautiful3303 countenance,5869 and goodly2896 to look7210 to. And the LORD3068 said,559 Arise,6965 anoint4886 him: for this2088 is he.

13 Then Samuel8050 took3947 the horn7161 of oil,8081 and anointed4886 him in the middle7130 of his brothers:251 and the Spirit7307 of the LORD3068 came6743 on David1732 from that day3117 forward.4605 So Samuel8050 rose6965 up, and went3212 to Ramah.7414

14 But the Spirit7307 of the LORD3068 departed5493 from Saul,7586 and an evil7451 spirit7307 from the LORD3068 troubled1204 him.

15 And Saul's7586 servants5650 said559 to him, Behold2009 now,4994 an evil7451 spirit7307 from God430 troubles1204 you.

16 Let our lord113 now4994 command559 your servants,5650 which are before6440 you, to seek1245 out a man,376 who is a cunning3045 player5059 on an harp:3658 and it shall come1961 to pass, when the evil7451 spirit7307 from God430 is on you, that he shall play5059 with his hand,3027 and you shall be well.2895

17 And Saul7586 said559 to his servants,5650 Provide7200 me now4994 a man376 that can play5059 well,3190 and bring935 him to me.

18 Then answered6030 one259 of the servants,5288 and said,559 Behold,2009 I have seen7200 a son1121 of Jesse3448 the Bethlehemite,1022 that is cunning3045 in playing,5059 and a mighty1368 valiant2428 man,376 and a man376 of war,4421 and prudent995 in matters,1697 and a comely8389 person,376 and the LORD3068 is with him.

19 Why Saul7586 sent7971 messengers4397 to Jesse,3448 and said,559 Send7971 me David1732 your son,1121 which834 is with the sheep.6629

20 And Jesse3448 took3947 an ass2543 laden5375 with bread,3899 and a bottle4997 of wine,3196 and a kid,1423 5795 and sent7971 them by David1732 his son1121 to Saul.7586

21 And David1732 came935 to Saul,7586 and stood5975 before6440 him: and he loved157 him greatly;3966 and he became1961 his armor bearer.5375 3627

22 And Saul7586 sent7971 to Jesse,3448 saying,559 Let David,1732 I pray4994 you, stand5975 before6440 me; for he has found4672 favor2580 in my sight.5869

23 And it came1961 to pass, when the evil7451 spirit7307 from God430 was on Saul,7586 that David1732 took3947 an harp,3658 and played5059 with his hand:3027 so Saul7586 was refreshed,7304 and was well,2895 and the evil7451 spirit7307 departed5493 from him.



1 耶和華謂撒母耳曰、掃羅爲以色列王、我不永其祚、汝爲懷憂、伊於何底。可盛膏於角、我將遣爾至伯利恆人耶西所、其衆子中我簡其一、立之爲王。

2 撒母耳曰、掃羅聞之必殺我、若何可往。耶和華曰、爾可備犢、言欲獻於我、

3 招耶西食胙。若何作爲、我指示爾、我所命者、爾沐以膏。

4 撒母耳遵耶和華命、至伯利恆、邑之長老、見之則懼、問曰、汝爲平康而至乎。

5 曰、我之此來、惟爲平康、欲祭耶和華、爾當潔己、偕我食胙。撒母耳使耶西及其子成潔、招之食胙。

6 旣至、撒母耳見以利押、意耶和華使沐以膏者果此人歟。

7 耶和華諭撒母耳曰、毋觀其容貎之美、軀幹之高、斯人也非我所簡、我之所見有異於人、人見外貌、我見內心。

8 耶西召亞庇拿撻、使過撒母耳前。撒母耳曰、耶和華不簡此人。

9 耶西又使沙馬過焉。撒母耳曰、耶和華亦未簡此人。

10 耶西使七子咸過。撒母耳曰、斯皆非耶和華所簡。

11 又曰、爾子悉在於此乎。曰、尚有季者牧羊。撒母耳曰、速召之、我不少坐以食、待季者至。

12 遂召之至、其容赤色、雙眸炯然、丰采甚都。耶和華曰、斯人是也。速沐以膏。

13 撒母耳取角中之膏以沐之、兄弟咸覩、自是以後、耶和華之神感大闢、撒母耳啟行、歸於拉馬。

14 耶和華之神離掃羅、乃使惡神擾之。

15 其僕曰、上帝使惡神擾爾、

16 盍命侍臣、求善鼓琴者、迨惡神臨爾之時、鼓琴則愈。

17 掃羅命僕曰、求善鼓琴者、攜至我所。

18 一僕曰、我素知伯利恆人耶西之子、善鼓琴、英武善戰、中藏智慧、丰采甚都、爲耶和華所佑

19 掃羅遣人至耶西曰、汝子大闢牧羊於野、使詣我所。

20 耶西以驢負餅、盛酒於革囊、牽山羊之羔、便子大闢以奉掃羅。

21 大闢旣至、立於其前、掃羅眷愛特甚、使執其戰具。

22 遣使者告耶西曰、大闢已沾我恩、容侍我側。

23 値上帝使惡神臨掃羅時、大闢鼓琴、掃羅得慰藉而愈、惡神離之。

1 Samuel

Chapter 16



1 And the LORD3068 said559 to Samuel,8050 How5704 long5704 will you mourn56 for Saul,7586 seeing I have rejected3988 him from reigning4427 over5921 Israel?3478 fill4390 your horn7161 with oil,8081 and go,3212 I will send7971 you to Jesse3448 the Bethlehemite:1022 for I have provided7200 me a king4428 among his sons.1121

1 耶和華謂撒母耳曰、掃羅爲以色列王、我不永其祚、汝爲懷憂、伊於何底。可盛膏於角、我將遣爾至伯利恆人耶西所、其衆子中我簡其一、立之爲王。

2 And Samuel8050 said,559 How349 can I go?3212 if Saul7586 hear8085 it, he will kill2026 me. And the LORD3068 said,559 Take3947 an heifer5697 with you, and say,559 I am come935 to sacrifice2076 to the LORD.3068

2 撒母耳曰、掃羅聞之必殺我、若何可往。耶和華曰、爾可備犢、言欲獻於我、

3 And call7121 Jesse3448 to the sacrifice,2077 and I will show3045 you what853 834 you shall do:6213 and you shall anoint4886 to me him whom834 I name559 to you.

3 招耶西食胙。若何作爲、我指示爾、我所命者、爾沐以膏。

4 And Samuel8050 did6213 that which834 the LORD3068 spoke,1696 and came935 to Bethlehem.1035 And the elders2205 of the town7023 trembled2729 at his coming,7122 and said,559 Come935 you peaceably?7965

4 撒母耳遵耶和華命、至伯利恆、邑之長老、見之則懼、問曰、汝爲平康而至乎。

5 And he said,559 Peaceably:7965 I am come935 to sacrifice2076 to the LORD:3068 sanctify6942 yourselves, and come935 with me to the sacrifice.2077 And he sanctified6942 Jesse3448 and his sons,1121 and called7121 them to the sacrifice.2077

5 曰、我之此來、惟爲平康、欲祭耶和華、爾當潔己、偕我食胙。撒母耳使耶西及其子成潔、招之食胙。

6 And it came1961 to pass, when they were come,935 that he looked7200 on Eliab,446 and said,559 Surely389 the LORD's3068 anointed4899 is before5048 him.

6 旣至、撒母耳見以利押、意耶和華使沐以膏者果此人歟。

7 But the LORD3068 said559 to Samuel,8050 Look5027 not on413 his countenance,4758 or on the height1364 of his stature;6967 because3588 I have refused3988 him: for the LORD3068 sees not as man120 sees;7200 for man120 looks7200 on the outward5869 appearance,5869 but the LORD3068 looks7200 on the heart.3824

7 耶和華諭撒母耳曰、毋觀其容貎之美、軀幹之高、斯人也非我所簡、我之所見有異於人、人見外貌、我見內心。

8 Then Jesse3448 called7121 Abinadab,41 and made him pass5674 before6440 Samuel.8050 And he said,559 Neither1571 3808 has the LORD3068 chosen977 this.2088

8 耶西召亞庇拿撻、使過撒母耳前。撒母耳曰、耶和華不簡此人。

9 Then Jesse3448 made Shammah8048 to pass5674 by. And he said,559 Neither1571 3808 has the LORD3068 chosen977 this.2088

9 耶西又使沙馬過焉。撒母耳曰、耶和華亦未簡此人。

10 Again, Jesse3448 made seven7651 of his sons1121 to pass5674 before6440 Samuel.8050 And Samuel8050 said559 to Jesse,3448 The LORD3068 has not chosen977 these.428

10 耶西使七子咸過。撒母耳曰、斯皆非耶和華所簡。

11 And Samuel8050 said559 to Jesse,3448 Are here8552 all8552 your children?5288 And he said,559 There remains7604 yet5750 the youngest,3996 and, behold,2009 he keeps7462 the sheep.6629 And Samuel8050 said559 to Jesse,3448 Send7971 and fetch3947 him: for we will not sit5437 down till5704 he come935 here.6311

11 又曰、爾子悉在於此乎。曰、尚有季者牧羊。撒母耳曰、速召之、我不少坐以食、待季者至。

12 And he sent,7971 and brought935 him in. Now he was ruddy,132 and with5973 of a beautiful3303 countenance,5869 and goodly2896 to look7210 to. And the LORD3068 said,559 Arise,6965 anoint4886 him: for this2088 is he.

12 遂召之至、其容赤色、雙眸炯然、丰采甚都。耶和華曰、斯人是也。速沐以膏。

13 Then Samuel8050 took3947 the horn7161 of oil,8081 and anointed4886 him in the middle7130 of his brothers:251 and the Spirit7307 of the LORD3068 came6743 on David1732 from that day3117 forward.4605 So Samuel8050 rose6965 up, and went3212 to Ramah.7414

13 撒母耳取角中之膏以沐之、兄弟咸覩、自是以後、耶和華之神感大闢、撒母耳啟行、歸於拉馬。

14 But the Spirit7307 of the LORD3068 departed5493 from Saul,7586 and an evil7451 spirit7307 from the LORD3068 troubled1204 him.

14 耶和華之神離掃羅、乃使惡神擾之。

15 And Saul's7586 servants5650 said559 to him, Behold2009 now,4994 an evil7451 spirit7307 from God430 troubles1204 you.

15 其僕曰、上帝使惡神擾爾、

16 Let our lord113 now4994 command559 your servants,5650 which are before6440 you, to seek1245 out a man,376 who is a cunning3045 player5059 on an harp:3658 and it shall come1961 to pass, when the evil7451 spirit7307 from God430 is on you, that he shall play5059 with his hand,3027 and you shall be well.2895

16 盍命侍臣、求善鼓琴者、迨惡神臨爾之時、鼓琴則愈。

17 And Saul7586 said559 to his servants,5650 Provide7200 me now4994 a man376 that can play5059 well,3190 and bring935 him to me.

17 掃羅命僕曰、求善鼓琴者、攜至我所。

18 Then answered6030 one259 of the servants,5288 and said,559 Behold,2009 I have seen7200 a son1121 of Jesse3448 the Bethlehemite,1022 that is cunning3045 in playing,5059 and a mighty1368 valiant2428 man,376 and a man376 of war,4421 and prudent995 in matters,1697 and a comely8389 person,376 and the LORD3068 is with him.

18 一僕曰、我素知伯利恆人耶西之子、善鼓琴、英武善戰、中藏智慧、丰采甚都、爲耶和華所佑

19 Why Saul7586 sent7971 messengers4397 to Jesse,3448 and said,559 Send7971 me David1732 your son,1121 which834 is with the sheep.6629

19 掃羅遣人至耶西曰、汝子大闢牧羊於野、使詣我所。

20 And Jesse3448 took3947 an ass2543 laden5375 with bread,3899 and a bottle4997 of wine,3196 and a kid,1423 5795 and sent7971 them by David1732 his son1121 to Saul.7586

20 耶西以驢負餅、盛酒於革囊、牽山羊之羔、便子大闢以奉掃羅。

21 And David1732 came935 to Saul,7586 and stood5975 before6440 him: and he loved157 him greatly;3966 and he became1961 his armor bearer.5375 3627

21 大闢旣至、立於其前、掃羅眷愛特甚、使執其戰具。

22 And Saul7586 sent7971 to Jesse,3448 saying,559 Let David,1732 I pray4994 you, stand5975 before6440 me; for he has found4672 favor2580 in my sight.5869

22 遣使者告耶西曰、大闢已沾我恩、容侍我側。

23 And it came1961 to pass, when the evil7451 spirit7307 from God430 was on Saul,7586 that David1732 took3947 an harp,3658 and played5059 with his hand:3027 so Saul7586 was refreshed,7304 and was well,2895 and the evil7451 spirit7307 departed5493 from him.

23 値上帝使惡神臨掃羅時、大闢鼓琴、掃羅得慰藉而愈、惡神離之。