

1 亞伯拉罕後裔大衛的子孫耶穌基督的家譜[The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham]

2 亞伯拉罕生以撒;以撒生雅各;雅各生猶大和他的弟兄;

3 猶大從她瑪氏生法勒斯和謝拉;法勒斯生希斯崙;希斯崙生亞蘭;

4 亞蘭生亞米拿達;亞米拿達生拿順;拿順生撒門;

5 撒門從喇合氏生波阿斯;波阿斯從路得氏生俄備得;俄備得生耶西;

6 耶西生大衛王。大衛[king]從她─這作過[of her that had been]烏利亞妻子的生所羅門;

7 所羅門生羅波安;羅波安生亞比雅;亞比雅生亞撒;

8 亞撒生約沙法;約沙法生約蘭;約蘭生烏西雅;

9 烏西雅生約坦;約坦生亞哈斯;亞哈斯生希西家;

10 希西家生瑪拿西;瑪拿西生亞們;亞們生約西亞;

11 約在他們被擄到巴比倫的時候,約西亞生耶哥尼雅和他的弟兄[And Josias begat Jechonias and his brethren, about the time they were carried away to Babylon]

12 他們被擄到[they were brought]巴比倫之後,耶哥尼雅生撒拉鐵;撒拉鐵生所羅巴伯;

13 所羅巴伯生亞比玉;亞比玉生以利雅敬;以利雅敬生亞所;

14 亞所生撒督;撒督生亞金;亞金生以律;

15 以律生以利亞撒;以利亞撒生馬但;馬但生雅各;

16 雅各生馬利亞的丈夫約瑟[Joseph the husband of Mary],那稱為基督的耶穌是從馬利亞生的。

17 這樣,從亞伯拉罕到大衛共有十四代;從大衛到被擄[carrying away]至巴比倫的時候也有十四代;從被擄[carrying away]至巴比倫的時候到基督又有十四代。

18 耶穌基督降生的事乃是這樣[on this wise]:他母親馬利亞已經許配了約瑟,還沒有迎娶,馬利亞就從聖靈懷了孕。

19 她丈夫約瑟是個義人,不願意使她作眾人的鑑戒[make her a publick example],想要暗暗的把她休了。

20 正思念這些事[these things]的時候,不料[behold],有主的天使[angel]向他夢中顯現,說:「大衛的子孫約瑟,[thou]不要怕把你妻子馬利亞娶過來[fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife];因她所懷的孕是從聖靈來的。

21 她將要生一個兒子,你要給他起名叫「耶穌」;因他要將自己的百姓從他們的[their]罪惡裏救出來。」

22 這一切的事既已有了[was done],是要應驗主藉先知所說的話,[saying]

23 看哪[Behold],必有處女[virgin]懷孕生子,人要稱他的名為以馬內利」,以馬內利翻出來就是「神與我們同在」。

24 約瑟醒了,起來,就遵著主天使[angel]所召的[had bidden him][his]妻子娶過來;

25 只是沒有和她同房[knew],等她生了頭胎的[firstborn]兒子;約瑟[he]就給他起名叫「耶穌」。


Chapter 1

1 The book976 of the generation1078 of Jesus2424 Christ,5547 the son5207 of David,1138 the son5207 of Abraham.11

2 Abraham11 begat1080 Isaac;2464 and Isaac2464 begat1080 Jacob;2384 and Jacob2384 begat1080 Judas2455 and his brothers;80

3 And Judas2455 begat1080 Phares5329 and Zara2196 of Thamar;2283 and Phares5329 begat1080 Esrom;2074 and Esrom2074 begat1080 Aram;689

4 And Aram689 begat1080 Aminadab;284 and Aminadab284 begat1080 Naasson;3476 and Naasson3476 begat1080 Salmon;4533

5 And Salmon4533 begat1080 Booz1003 of Rachab;4477 and Booz1003 begat1080 Obed5601 of Ruth;4503 and Obed5601 begat1080 Jesse;2421

6 And Jesse2421 begat1080 David1138 the king;935 and David1138 the king935 begat1080 Solomon4672 of her that had been the wife of Urias;3774

7 And Solomon4672 begat1080 Roboam;4497 and Roboam4497 begat1080 Abia;7 and Abia7 begat1080 Asa;760

8 And Asa760 begat1080 Josaphat;2498 and Josaphat2498 begat1080 Joram;2496 and Joram2496 begat1080 Ozias;3604

9 And Ozias3604 begat1080 Joatham;2488 and Joatham2488 begat1080 Achaz;881 and Achaz881 begat1080 Ezekias;1478

10 And Ezekias1478 begat1080 Manasses;3128 and Manasses3128 begat1080 Amon;300 and Amon300 begat1080 Josias;2502

11 And Josias2502 begat1080 Jechonias2423 and his brothers,80 about1909 the time1909 they were carried3350 away3350 to Babylon:897

12 And after3326 they were brought3350 to Babylon,897 Jechonias2423 begat1080 Salathiel;4528 and Salathiel4528 begat1080 Zorobabel;2216

13 And Zorobabel2216 begat1080 Abiud;10 and Abiud10 begat1080 Eliakim;1662 and Eliakim1662 begat1080 Azor;107

14 And Azor107 begat1080 Sadoc;4524 and Sadoc4524 begat1080 Achim;885 and Achim885 begat1080 Eliud;1664

15 And Eliud1664 begat1080 Eleazar;1648 and Eleazar1648 begat1080 Matthan;3157 and Matthan3157 begat1080 Jacob;2384

16 And Jacob2384 begat1080 Joseph2501 the husband435 of Mary,3137 of whom3739 was born1080 Jesus,2424 who3588 is called3004 Christ.5547

17 So3767 all3956 the generations1074 from Abraham11 to David1138 are fourteen1180 generations;1074 and from David1138 until2193 the carrying3350 away3350 into3350 Babylon897 are fourteen1180 generations;1074 and from the carrying3350 away3350 into3350 Babylon897 to Christ5547 are fourteen1180 generations.1074

18 Now1161 the birth1083 of Jesus2424 Christ5547 was on this3779 wise: When as his mother3384 Mary3137 was espoused3423 to Joseph,2501 before4250 2228 they came4905 together,4905 she was found2147 with child1722 of the Holy40 Ghost.4151

19 Then1161 Joseph2501 her husband,435 being5607 a just1342 man, and not willing2309 to make3856 her a public3856 example,3856 was minded1014 to put630 her away630 privately.2977

20 But while he thought1760 on1760 these5023 things, behold,2400 the angel32 of the LORD2962 appeared5316 to him in a dream,3677 saying,3004 Joseph,2501 you son5207 of David,1138 fear5399 not to take3880 to you Mary3137 your wife:1135 for that which is conceived1080 in her is of the Holy40 Ghost.4151

21 And she shall bring5088 forth5088 a son,5207 and you shall call2564 his name3686 JESUS:2424 for he shall save4982 his people2992 from their sins.266

22 Now1161 all3650 this5124 was done,1096 that it might be fulfilled4137 which3588 was spoken4483 of the Lord2962 by the prophet,4396 saying,3004

23 Behold,2400 a virgin3933 shall be with child,1722 1064 2192 and shall bring5088 forth5088 a son,5207 and they shall2564 call his name3686 Emmanuel,1694 which3739 being interpreted3177 is, God2316 with us.

24 Then1161 Joseph2501 being raised1326 from sleep5258 did4160 as the angel32 of the Lord2962 had bidden4367 him, and took3880 to him his wife:1135

25 And knew1097 her not till2193 she had brought5088 forth5088 her firstborn4416 son:5207 and he called2564 his name3686 JESUS.2424




Chapter 1

1 亞伯拉罕後裔大衛的子孫耶穌基督的家譜[The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham]

1 The book976 of the generation1078 of Jesus2424 Christ,5547 the son5207 of David,1138 the son5207 of Abraham.11

2 亞伯拉罕生以撒;以撒生雅各;雅各生猶大和他的弟兄;

2 Abraham11 begat1080 Isaac;2464 and Isaac2464 begat1080 Jacob;2384 and Jacob2384 begat1080 Judas2455 and his brothers;80

3 猶大從她瑪氏生法勒斯和謝拉;法勒斯生希斯崙;希斯崙生亞蘭;

3 And Judas2455 begat1080 Phares5329 and Zara2196 of Thamar;2283 and Phares5329 begat1080 Esrom;2074 and Esrom2074 begat1080 Aram;689

4 亞蘭生亞米拿達;亞米拿達生拿順;拿順生撒門;

4 And Aram689 begat1080 Aminadab;284 and Aminadab284 begat1080 Naasson;3476 and Naasson3476 begat1080 Salmon;4533

5 撒門從喇合氏生波阿斯;波阿斯從路得氏生俄備得;俄備得生耶西;

5 And Salmon4533 begat1080 Booz1003 of Rachab;4477 and Booz1003 begat1080 Obed5601 of Ruth;4503 and Obed5601 begat1080 Jesse;2421

6 耶西生大衛王。大衛[king]從她─這作過[of her that had been]烏利亞妻子的生所羅門;

6 And Jesse2421 begat1080 David1138 the king;935 and David1138 the king935 begat1080 Solomon4672 of her that had been the wife of Urias;3774

7 所羅門生羅波安;羅波安生亞比雅;亞比雅生亞撒;

7 And Solomon4672 begat1080 Roboam;4497 and Roboam4497 begat1080 Abia;7 and Abia7 begat1080 Asa;760

8 亞撒生約沙法;約沙法生約蘭;約蘭生烏西雅;

8 And Asa760 begat1080 Josaphat;2498 and Josaphat2498 begat1080 Joram;2496 and Joram2496 begat1080 Ozias;3604

9 烏西雅生約坦;約坦生亞哈斯;亞哈斯生希西家;

9 And Ozias3604 begat1080 Joatham;2488 and Joatham2488 begat1080 Achaz;881 and Achaz881 begat1080 Ezekias;1478

10 希西家生瑪拿西;瑪拿西生亞們;亞們生約西亞;

10 And Ezekias1478 begat1080 Manasses;3128 and Manasses3128 begat1080 Amon;300 and Amon300 begat1080 Josias;2502

11 約在他們被擄到巴比倫的時候,約西亞生耶哥尼雅和他的弟兄[And Josias begat Jechonias and his brethren, about the time they were carried away to Babylon]

11 And Josias2502 begat1080 Jechonias2423 and his brothers,80 about1909 the time1909 they were carried3350 away3350 to Babylon:897

12 他們被擄到[they were brought]巴比倫之後,耶哥尼雅生撒拉鐵;撒拉鐵生所羅巴伯;

12 And after3326 they were brought3350 to Babylon,897 Jechonias2423 begat1080 Salathiel;4528 and Salathiel4528 begat1080 Zorobabel;2216

13 所羅巴伯生亞比玉;亞比玉生以利雅敬;以利雅敬生亞所;

13 And Zorobabel2216 begat1080 Abiud;10 and Abiud10 begat1080 Eliakim;1662 and Eliakim1662 begat1080 Azor;107

14 亞所生撒督;撒督生亞金;亞金生以律;

14 And Azor107 begat1080 Sadoc;4524 and Sadoc4524 begat1080 Achim;885 and Achim885 begat1080 Eliud;1664

15 以律生以利亞撒;以利亞撒生馬但;馬但生雅各;

15 And Eliud1664 begat1080 Eleazar;1648 and Eleazar1648 begat1080 Matthan;3157 and Matthan3157 begat1080 Jacob;2384

16 雅各生馬利亞的丈夫約瑟[Joseph the husband of Mary],那稱為基督的耶穌是從馬利亞生的。

16 And Jacob2384 begat1080 Joseph2501 the husband435 of Mary,3137 of whom3739 was born1080 Jesus,2424 who3588 is called3004 Christ.5547

17 這樣,從亞伯拉罕到大衛共有十四代;從大衛到被擄[carrying away]至巴比倫的時候也有十四代;從被擄[carrying away]至巴比倫的時候到基督又有十四代。

17 So3767 all3956 the generations1074 from Abraham11 to David1138 are fourteen1180 generations;1074 and from David1138 until2193 the carrying3350 away3350 into3350 Babylon897 are fourteen1180 generations;1074 and from the carrying3350 away3350 into3350 Babylon897 to Christ5547 are fourteen1180 generations.1074

18 耶穌基督降生的事乃是這樣[on this wise]:他母親馬利亞已經許配了約瑟,還沒有迎娶,馬利亞就從聖靈懷了孕。

18 Now1161 the birth1083 of Jesus2424 Christ5547 was on this3779 wise: When as his mother3384 Mary3137 was espoused3423 to Joseph,2501 before4250 2228 they came4905 together,4905 she was found2147 with child1722 of the Holy40 Ghost.4151

19 她丈夫約瑟是個義人,不願意使她作眾人的鑑戒[make her a publick example],想要暗暗的把她休了。

19 Then1161 Joseph2501 her husband,435 being5607 a just1342 man, and not willing2309 to make3856 her a public3856 example,3856 was minded1014 to put630 her away630 privately.2977

20 正思念這些事[these things]的時候,不料[behold],有主的天使[angel]向他夢中顯現,說:「大衛的子孫約瑟,[thou]不要怕把你妻子馬利亞娶過來[fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife];因她所懷的孕是從聖靈來的。

20 But while he thought1760 on1760 these5023 things, behold,2400 the angel32 of the LORD2962 appeared5316 to him in a dream,3677 saying,3004 Joseph,2501 you son5207 of David,1138 fear5399 not to take3880 to you Mary3137 your wife:1135 for that which is conceived1080 in her is of the Holy40 Ghost.4151

21 她將要生一個兒子,你要給他起名叫「耶穌」;因他要將自己的百姓從他們的[their]罪惡裏救出來。」

21 And she shall bring5088 forth5088 a son,5207 and you shall call2564 his name3686 JESUS:2424 for he shall save4982 his people2992 from their sins.266

22 這一切的事既已有了[was done],是要應驗主藉先知所說的話,[saying]

22 Now1161 all3650 this5124 was done,1096 that it might be fulfilled4137 which3588 was spoken4483 of the Lord2962 by the prophet,4396 saying,3004

23 看哪[Behold],必有處女[virgin]懷孕生子,人要稱他的名為以馬內利」,以馬內利翻出來就是「神與我們同在」。

23 Behold,2400 a virgin3933 shall be with child,1722 1064 2192 and shall bring5088 forth5088 a son,5207 and they shall2564 call his name3686 Emmanuel,1694 which3739 being interpreted3177 is, God2316 with us.

24 約瑟醒了,起來,就遵著主天使[angel]所召的[had bidden him][his]妻子娶過來;

24 Then1161 Joseph2501 being raised1326 from sleep5258 did4160 as the angel32 of the Lord2962 had bidden4367 him, and took3880 to him his wife:1135

25 只是沒有和她同房[knew],等她生了頭胎的[firstborn]兒子;約瑟[he]就給他起名叫「耶穌」。

25 And knew1097 her not till2193 she had brought5088 forth5088 her firstborn4416 son:5207 and he called2564 his name3686 JESUS.2424